
人教必修一Unit1 Teenage Life-Listening and Speaking课件

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:57次 大小:24636898Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Listening and Speaking ———Choose a school club Unit 1 Teenage Life Learning objectives: By the end of this lesson, students are able to: 1. Hear and talk about extra-curricular activities of senior high school students. 2. Identify the useful sentence patterns and expressions from the listening text. Lead-in: What is a school club A club is a group of two or more people united by a common interest or aim. They meet together regularly for a particular activity. Lead-in: Tennis club Robotics club List as many as school clubs as you can: Photography Club Guitar Club Painting Club Chess Club English Club Dance Club Lead-in Students join school clubs for various reasons: Listening and Speaking: Task 1 Match the photos with the names of the clubs. Ballet Club, Nature Club, Volunteer Club, Debate Club I enjoy discussing different questions I love dancing! I prefer helping others. I’m interested in plants and animals. Listening and Speaking: Task 2 Listen to the first two conversations and choose the correct answers. 1.What are they learning about in Conversation 1 A .Hearing B. Sounds C. Dogs 2. The students are discussing ____ in Conversation 2. A .schoolwork B. relationships C .dating 3. Circle the two clubs where these two conversations happened. A .Science Club B. Ballet Club C .Nature Club D .Debate Club 听力文稿 Conversation 1 Teacher: Shh! Listen carefully! [3-second beep at about 40 kHz] Teacher: Did you hear that No How about this [3-second beep at about 17.4 kHz] Teacher: If you couldn’t hear the first one, it means you're not a dog! [Laugh]Dogs can hear very high frequency (频率) sounds, but people can't. And if you could hear the second one, you're younger than 25 Student: Wow! Why is that Teacher: Our ears change when we get older. Children and young people can hear the second one, but most people older than 25 can’t Conversation 2 Teachers: Todays topic is “Should teenagers date” Team A, please begin. Team A: We say no, they shouldn’t. One reason is that teenagers are too young. They should think about schoolwork and spend more time studying . Team B: We don’t agree with Team A. Our answer is “Yes”. Teenagers can date if they want. It is quite natural for a teenager at that age to feel he or she likes somebody. We think it's possible for teenagers to date and study at the same time. Teacher: Team A Listening and Speaking: Task 3 Tick the activities that happen in each club. Ballet Club Nature Club Cartoon Club Volunteer Club learn new movements listen to lectures watch cartoons help old people watch dance programs grow plants write stories clean up parks make ballet clothes work in a greenhouse draw cartoons give directions √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Listening and Speaking: Task 4 Choose the best answer. 2. Adam says that he likes _____ but is not so interested in _____. stories, cartoons animals, plants C. making friends, cleaning up 3. Which club do you t ... ...

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