
人教版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Using Language教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:50次 大小:451925Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Using Language(1):Listening and speaking教学设计 教学目标 1.聆听一场关于在国外学习汉语的对话,通过推断对话场景这一听力策略获取对话大意 2.识别采访的文本特征如开场白、结束语以及表示兴趣、确认信息和提出后续问题的交流表 达方式。 3.编一段关于国外学习汉语的采访对话 教学内容 教学重点: 1.通过听力材料中的相关信息,引导学生判断对话场景,并理解判断对话场景的策略和用途。 2.帮助学生了解世界各国和地区学习汉语的情况,以及孔子学院在传播中华文化中所起的作 用,并引导学生就此进行讨论。 教学难点: 1.指导学生掌握访谈对话的文本特征如开场白、结束语以及表示兴趣、确认信息和提出后续 问题的交流表达方式,并顺利设计与本模块相关话题的访谈对话。 教学过程 Warming-up ● Describe the picture and tell the recent Chinese language learning fever Chinese Learning Fever 【设计意图:组织学生观察讨论图片,引导他们分享关于该话题的背景知识,激发兴趣 】 Activityl ● After introduction of the topic“Chinese language learning abroad”,answer the question 1.How do people from other countries find out about Chinese culture By attending a Confucius Institute By watching Chinese films By taking part in Chinese Bridge 2.What do you know about Confucius Institutes 【 设 计 意 图 : 通 过 呈 现 其 他 图 片 和 阅 读 材 料 , 引 导 学 生 聚 焦 孔 子 学 院 , 为 后 续 的 听 力 作 准 备 】 Activity2 ● Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions 1.Where does this conversation take place Any clues 2.Who are the people speaking 3.What are they talking about ● Go through the listening tip on page 18 Q.When listening for the setting,what clues should we listen for in the material ( Pay attention to the setti ng ( 背 景 ) When you listen,always ask yourself, "Where is this probably happening " Understanding the set ting will help you understand the typ e and content of the communication more clear ly. background sounds identities of speakers topic ) 【 设 计 意 图 : 引 导 学 生 通 过 听 力 材 料 中 的 相 关 信 息 如 : 人 物 、 人 物 关 系 、 地 点 、 话 题 、 关 键 内 容 等 判 断 对 话 场 景 , 从 而 体 会 该 听 力 策 略 的 作 用 。 】 Activity3 ● Listen again and take notes by filling in the poster below Q.What information are included in that post ( Welcome to the Confucius Institute. inction Learn to and all about pment Our insttute has grown!We started wit h but now we have many more. t is a centre for .You canleam and practise fascinatng C hinese traditions. Knowledge of the Chinese language and culture is import ant because of increasing Many students go on to great jobs in reasons Join us today to help break down language and ,and bring the world togetherl ) 【设计意图:让学生浏览表格的内容并猜测需要填写的空格的单词,以便在听力中有针对 性地记录信息。补全海报后让学生讨论海报的内容,从而了解海报的文体特征。】 Activity4 ● Answer the questions according to what you remember of the question. 1.What made Aisha feel like she was part of Ms Hu's family 2.Why did Aisha want to become a teacher 3.Why do students learning Chinese see it as beneficial to their fut ... ...

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