
人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 4 Natural Disasters Reading and Thinking课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:74次 大小:4131582Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit4 The night the earth didn’t sleep CONTENTS 01 Analysis of the Teaching Material 02 Analysis of the Students 03 Teaching Objectives 04 Teaching Focus and Difficulties 05 Teaching Models and leaning methods 06 Teaching Procedures 07 Homework 08 Blackbord design 09 Reflection 01Analysis of the teaching material This passage is from People's Education Press, grade 9,Unit 4 The night the earth didn’t sleep 2.What:The text mainly tells the story of the Tangshan earthquake in the 1970s, describes the disaster to the readers in chronological sequence Why:help students know more knowledge of the earthquake, guide the students to establish the awareness of disaster prevention How:This article is a reportage, which has both literary and documentary language characteristics. 3.Theme:human and nature (natural disasters and prevention, safety knowledge and self-protect) Study situation A.They have serious learning attitude and high enthusiasm for learning B. Based on the learning of Listening and Speaking in this unit, students have a certain knowledge of earthquake c. Lack of high-level thinking ability in understanding ,integrating, reasoning, analyzing and evaluating. Student situation A.48members B.Positive , creative, willing to cooperate 02 Analysis of the Students 03 Teaching Objectives 1.Students can understand the gist and the structure of the passage 2.Students are able to analyze and elaborate the highlights of writing techniques in the text and perceive the characteristics of reportage 3.Students are able to retell the story according to the mind map 4.Students can express the emotions expressed by the author in the passage, and infer the author's writing intention 5.Students can work in groups to paint a poster about earthquake protection in a certain scene(at home, at school or outdoors), so as to develop some knowledge about how to do self-protection during the earthquake Difficulty: 04 Teaching Focus and Difficulties Teaching Focus: 1.Help students to analyze the structure of the article to obtain and describe the factual information about the Tangshan earthquake 2.Help students to analyze the language characteristics of reportage and appreciate the rhetorical methods and writing skills Help students to develop some knowledge about how to do self-protection during the earthquake in differentscenarios 05 Teaching Models and leaning methods PWP Situation creation Incentive task-based Experimental learning method Communicaive strategy Metacognitive strategy pre-listening (6min) Post-listening(25min) while-listening(24min) homework 1 2 3 4 06 Teaching Procedures Pre-Reading Ask students to look at the pictures on Page 50&5 toperceive the article Use two questions to attract students' attention Through a video to introduce topics and activate students' background know Step 2 Prediction Step 1 Lead-in Divide groups Using the reward system to stimulate students'interest and mo ... ...

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