
人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Using Language 教案(表格式)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:31次 大小:21417Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Teaching Plan Topic: OB2 Unit 2 BRIDCING CULTURES Using Language (2) Grade: Senior 2 Analyses of teaching materials Express your opinions on studying abroad主慰语境:人与社会 主题群:社会服务与人际沟通 子主题:跨文化沟通、包容与合作谌筋类型:论说文 [What]本节课提供了两篇论说文(书信格式),分别为两位家长对孩于在国外 学习的不同观点。两篇文章都可划分三部分:第一部分提出自己对孩子在国 外学习的态度(是否支持),第二部分提供论点,第三部分进行总结。文章主 题与本单元的主题语境相关,有助于对主题意义的探究, [Why]培养学生获取信息并利用所学语言、文化知识。创造新语篇的能力及 批判性思维。 [How]文章用了大量的名词性从句及动名词短语做主语。具有较强的 可读性:在陈述观点及列举论据时采用相应的连接词来体现逻辑关系。总 体来说,文章语言生动。简洁,结构层次分明。言之有理,合乎逻辑。 Analysis of Students 本节课授课对象是高二年级的学生,他们通过前面几个课时的学习,对国 外留学这一话题已经有了一定的了解,本节课透过引导学生读懂谈论出国 留学利弊的文章,学习议论文的语篇结构和写作方法,使学生能正确认识 出国留学的利弊,客观、全面地分析问题,形成自己的观点,就出国留学 的利弊写一篇议论文。因此,在学习本节课时,教师要指导学生恰当运用 阅读策略。在语篇理解的过程中开展语言知识的学习;在写作部分。要注意 引导学生分析文章的中心伦敦。运用所学知识开展相关写作任务。 Teaching Objectives After learning this lesson,students are expected to: 1.Obtain,sort out and describe the different views of parents on their children's study abroad in the two articles. 2.Analyze and judge the author's writing techniques.Mastertextual features. 3.Make a comprehensive and objective analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad to form your own opinion. 4.Write an argumentative essay on the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad by combining the argumentative discourse structure and cohesive words learned in this unit. Important &Difficult Points: Important Points: 1.Obtain,sort out and describe the different views of parents on their children's study abroad in the two articles 2.Write an argumentative essay on the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad by combining the argumentative discourse structure and cohesive words learned in this unit. Difficult Points: 1.Analyze and judge the author's writing techniques.Master textual features. 2.Make a comprehensive and objective analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad to form your own opinion. Teaching Method PWP Teaching Methods Teaching aids: Multi-media,blackboard Type Reading for writing Period: 40mins Teaching Procedures Steps Activities Justification Lead in Check your homework Change the information you read into a mind map. (Individual work;7mins导读。自主预习) By answering this question,let the students introduce the text themselves. Obtain and sort out the structure of the article.Form an opinion on the topic. Pre- writing Activity 1(4mins) Read sentences and then use the connectors in the box to rewrite the sentences below. (Classwork;4mins导思。师 生合作) as a result besides for instance that is to s ... ...

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