
人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 4 Natural Disasters Reading and Thinking 教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:68次 大小:29572Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson Plan Teaching Materials:The Night the Earth Didn't Sleep,Unit4 Natural Disasters , Book1,NSEC (2019) Lesson type:reading Teaching Content: (1)Theme context:Man and nature:Natural disasters and prevention,safety knowledge and self-protection (2)Lead the students to analyze the text through different reading strategies and different aspects,feel the author's writing skills,so that the students can have more knowledge of the earthquake,feel the spirit of rescue heroes and the unity of one mind to deal with the disaster Teaching Aims: (1)Students will learn how to read and analyze a passage (2)Students will learn more knowledge about earthquake Teaching objectives (1)Students will be able to summarize the general idea of the paragraph by finding the topic sentence,analyze the structure of the article,and draw the mind map (2)Based on the content and language of the text,Students will be able to explain the precursors of the earthquake,the damage and destruction caused by the earthquake, and the rescue and recovery after the earthquake,have specific knowledge of the Tangshan earthquake,and can retell it based on the mind map (3)Students will be able to analyze and elaborate the highlights of writing techniques in the text,perceive the characteristics of documentary reportage and understand the emotions expressed by the author in the work,and infer the writing intention (4)Students will be able to join in activities in the theme situation,learn the knowledge of shock prevention,and feel the spirit of rescue heroes and the unity of one mind to deal with the disaster Teaching focus and difficulties: Teaching focus: (1)Students will be able to analyze the structure of the article to obtain,sort out and describe the factual information about the Tangshan earthquake (2)Students will be able to master the language characteristics of reportage,which is both literary and documentary,so that students can learn to appreciate the rhetorical methods and writing skills used in the text Teaching difficulty: Students will be able to learn the knowledge of shock prevention,and feel the spirit of rescue heroes and the unity of one mind to deal with the disaster Teaching Model and Methods: Using the PWP and TBLT model Using situational teaching method and motivational evaluation teaching method Teaching Aids:PPT,video,pictures,lamp stickers,snacks,blackboard design Teaching Procedures: Steps Activities Time (45mins.) Aims 1.pre-reading Step 1:Led-in 1.T ask Ss: a.Did you sleep well b.The earth didn't sleep one night.Do you know why 2.Play a video about Tangshan Earthquake and ask them what the video is mainly about. (In this part ,T will divide them into 6 groups,and they will have a competition among each group.Once group member answers one question,the group can get a lamp sticker.And the winner group can get more snacks than other groups at the end of the class) Step 2:prediction T asks students to look at the title and pictures on Page 50&51 to predict what t ... ...

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