
人教版初中英语九年级江西英语中考话题专题复习之Natural Protection课件(共21张PPT)

日期:2024-09-15 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:59次 大小:136290695Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 初三英语中考话题复习 Natural Protection 敬畏自然 尊重生命 1. I can live up to 20 to 30 years. 2.My baby is about 15cm long and 0.1 to 0.2 kilos at birth. I have round ears , and strong feet. 3.The number of us is becoming smaller and smaller. 4.We often die from illness. 5.I think I am kind of cute. 6.I am from China. 7.My favorite food is bamboo. =I feed on bamboos./ I like bamboos best. 8. I can climb the hills and run quickly. Let's guess what it is. panda Enjoy a video Because it is “black, white, and Asian”! Why do people think the panda best represents cross-cultural harmony and inclusiveness (跨文化和谐交流和文化包容性)? What happened to the giant panda Ya Ya There is no _____ _____(舒服的居住环境) for Ya Ya. And it _____ _____(没有足够的新鲜的竹子). comfortable living doesn’t have Watch and think environment enough fresh bamboo to eat It’s sad to think of many animals are _____ (濒临灭绝). We need to _____ them. in danger/endangered protect Watch and think: What’s happening to the animals Reasons why some animals are endangered Well over 900 plants and animals are endangered, and hundreds more are threatened(受到威胁). Many of the reasons certain animals are disappearing forever are because of human activities. Here are the four main reasons why some animals are endangered. Habitat(栖息地) lost results from population growth and land development. As humans take more and more land areas for agriculture(农业), housing and industry, less land for wild animals. Native animals are often forced into less suitable habitats and can reduce or disappear forever. All species(物种) need food, water, space and the ability to find a mate and have children. Some species require small habitats, while others need large areas to successfully survive(生存). Pollution and pesticides(农药),in forms of garbage and trash, air and water pollution, soil contamination and noise and light pollution, harm ecosystems (生态系统) and wildlife. Pesticides are toxic(有毒的) and harm more than their target. Pollution and pesticides harm the environment and animals. Pet market threatens countless animal species. Many "pets", including fish, spiders, and birds, are caught from the wild. Over-hunting has influenced many endangered species. People kill animals for their meat, skin or other parts of their body. It is not just a threat (威胁) to the survival of wildlife, but it is also a threat to the survival of life on this planet, breaking ecosystems and eliminating(消灭) whole species forever. Read and answer 1.How many reasons why some animals are endangered 2.(开放性设问)How many types of pollution are there in our life There are four main reasons. Air pollution, water pollution white pollution ... Air pollution We don’t have _____ air, because _____. fresh /clean there are too many factories. there is too much traffic on the road Water pollution The rivers are so _____ that _____. dirty farmers can’ ... ...

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