
人教版(2019)必修 第一册 Unit 2 Travelling around Reading and Thinking课件(共19张PPT,内镶嵌2视频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:40次 大小:232570456Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 Travelling around Reading and Thinking Content Lead-in Pre-reading While-reading Post reading Sublimation of thought 1.Do you like traveling? 2. Where did you travel? 3. Did you travel to a foreign country? Warm up How many of these famous places do you know? Cusco Amazon Rainforest Machu Picchu Lake Titicaca Tourist attractions mentioned in the video: Do you like to explore mysteries? (探索秘密) Who can say something about it ? Do you know the name of this place? the Pyramid Egypt grave Pharaoh法老 huge stones tall Skimming 2. Which paragraphs can you find the specific details? Read the whole passage and answer questions. 1.Which paragraph gives a general introduction? Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 From the passage we can know _____. _____. _____. Why they were built who built it where they are located Skimming Read the whole passage,and find out. Fast reading People are not sure about What is inside a pyramid? How were they built? 1.Read Para.4 and finish the mind map. the Pyramids Tips: Read sentence by sentence. Careful reading 3.Do we know how they were built? 2.Who built the Pyramids? 4. How long did it take to build one Pyramid? 1. Why they were built near the Nile River? Careful reading 1. Why they were built near the Nile River? 2.Who built the Pyramids? 3.Do we know how they were built? 4. How long did it take to build one Pyramid? It was easier to get the blocks to the pyramid by boat. The Pyramids were built by Ancient Egyptians. It is still unknown how they were built. It can take 23 years to build one pyramid. Retell the passage by Ancient Egyptians store all sorts of items and treasures 100 Egyptian pyramids The largest four slides inside The largest many Egyptian drawings near the Nile River Can you introduce some famous Chinese building? 1. When was it built? 2. Where was it built? 3. Who built it? 4. How was it built? 5. What was it used for? 6. What do you think of it? Be curious and keep a spirit of searching for the truth forever! Thank you !

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