

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:99次 大小:1024034Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 语法填空之谓语动词 Teaching aims: 1.Help students master the four steps on how to deal with the verbs used as the predicate verbs(谓语动词) in Grammar Filling 2.Let students master the structures and usages of different tenses in active and passive voices (主动与被动语态) Quiz before class: 1.The International volunteer Day _____(take) place on Dec 5 every year. 2.Chinese People _____(be) fond of eating dumplings long ago. 3.Like all the other English learns, I_____(meet) many difficulties in the past seven years in learning English. 4.The Double Eleventh Day _____(call) Singles’ Day,which falls on nov 11. 5.The flower _____(introduce) to Japan during the Tang Dynasty. takes were met is called was introduced 正确填写谓语动词的四步法: 一. 确定句子是否缺少谓语动词 (1)当句子中没有其他的动词,而提示词为动词时,通常作谓语 I got a place next to the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk. A boy _____(catch) my attention. caught 谓语动词(predicate verb)的定义: 1.Her father bought her a new English novel as a birthday present. 2.Last week, I was very happy. 3.Students were playing football on the playground. 4.The thief had run away before the policeman arrived. 5.Since she did not know words, she could not write out a shopping list. 指在句中充当谓语的动词 (2)当提示动词放在已经有了谓语动词的句子中,但这些动词被and连接时,则提示动词也为谓语。(注意:这时的and放在最后两个谓语动词中间) When he asked the villagers on the banks of the river where he could find the legendary artist, they smiled and_____(point) down the river. pointed pointed (3)当句子中已经有了谓语动词,提示提为动词,但两个动词之间没有连词时,则填非谓语动词。 He walked on the street, _____(look) back from time to time. looking 二,若已确定了要填谓语动词,接着要确定时态 (1)查看上下文时态: This cycle _____(go) day after day.The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night.... goes (2)寻找时态标志词(时间状语) 一般现在时: everyday, now and then, often, sometimes, usually, occasionally(偶尔), always, seldom... 一般过去时: yesterday, last year, in 2020, the other day, three days ago, one year later, at that time 一般将来时: tomorrow, next year, in a week, in the future, soon, tonight... 现在进行时: all the time, at this moment, at present, constantly, continually 现在完成时: for+时间段,since +时间点/过去式的句子,so far, in/over the last/past+时间段,次数,recently... 过去完成时: by then, by the end of....,by that time... Since 2011, the country _____(grow) more corn than rice. By about 6000 BC, people _____(discover) the best crops to grow and animals to raise. has grown had discovered (3)掌握常考固定句型: was/were doing...when +一般过去时 was/were about to do ...+一般过去式 had (just)done...when +一般过去式 That/This/It is the 序数词 time that +现在完成时 That/This/It was the 序数词 time that +过去完成时 It is/has been +时间段 +since +一般过去时 It is time that you did/should do ... ...

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