
人教版初中英语江西中考话题复习话题之Chinese traditional culture课件(共24张PPT,含内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-15 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:76次 大小:23627482Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Reading comprehension --Chinese traditional culture What can you see in the video There are many forms of traditional art in China. clay art shadow puppet paper cutting Face-Changing sky lantern china kite Welcome to the Art of Paper Paper cutting is one of the most popular decorative # i1J) Chinese arts. Historv The history of paper cutting can date back to the 6th century. From the 7th to l3th century , paper cutting became popular especially during Chinese festivals. The art spread to the rest of the world in the 14th century. Beauty in Common Things Grade 9 Unit 5 Passage 1 1.What’s the genre of this text A. Novel B. Expository writing (说明文) C. Argumentative writing (议论文) D. Narrative writing (记叙文) 2.What’s the structure of the passage 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 A B C D 1 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 A general introduction 总体介绍 Specific details and examples 细节和例子 说明文常用结构 Welcome to the Art of Paper Paper cutting is a traditional folk arts. The process typically involves folding a piece of paper and using knives and scissors to cut out patterns. It requires great skills and long-term practice. Though it originated from people’s daily life many years ago, it still remains a popular form of art and expression in many cultures. The history of paper cuttings.- The history of paper cutting can date back to the 6th century. From the 7th to l3th century, paper cutting became popular especially during Chinese festivals. The art spread to the rest of the world in the 14th century. Uses of paper cuttings.- It can be used for different purposes. There are paper cuttings for decoration, for sacrifice (祭祀) and for design patterns. Paper cuttings for decoration are often seen on windows and doors. They are usually put up during holidays to bring good luck. They are also used on presents. Paper cuttings for sacrifice are often used as offerings to the dead. The third kind of paper cuttings is those used to make patterns on clothing. Dragons are very popular patterns for these designs. Reasons for the popularity. - Paper cuttings are popular because of their expression of wishes and hopes. Wishes for wealth, health and a long life are shown through paper cuttings. For example , during the Chinese New Year, the word "fu'' is put upside down on the door to express people's wish for the coming of happiness. At a birthday party of an old person, paper cuttings with the word "shou"are often seen. Passage 2 One of the oldest arts which dates back to the Han Dynasty has been disappearing from the st age. Different from films,the shadow play(皮影戏) needs more attention. In the past years, Chinese artists have been trying to help it live. Their effort has got encouragement and support from the government. In 2011,the shadow puppet(木偶)play was added to UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage(遗产)list. Most of the puppets were made of leathers from animals, like donkeys and sheep. The leathers mu ... ...

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