
外研版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit6 Survival Developing ideas课件(共36张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:45次 大小:54093933Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) B5U6 Unit 6 Survival Developing ideas Developing ideas Activity 1 Work in plete the quiz and find out how much you know about Mars. Try to guess if you are not sure of the answers. Quiz on planets There are _____ planets in the _____ system. eight solar 1. Clue 1: It is mostly made of gas. Clue 2: It has a set of rings. Clue 3: It is the second largest planet in the solar system. 1. Clue 1: It is the hottest planet. Clue 2: It is named after the Roman Goddess of love. Clue 3: It has similar size as earth. 475 degrees Celsius 1. Clue 2: One day on it is about 24 hours. Clue 3: China became the second nation to ever land on it with Tianwen-1 misson. Clue 1: It is the second smallest planet. The Zhurong Rover of Tianwen-1 mission 1. Clue 2: Its name means “the ground”. Clue 3: It’s our home planet. Clue 1: It is the only one with liquid water. Climate change Weapons of mass destruction Limited resources Nuclear pollution Pair work Decide the most severe risk facing the life on Earth now and give your reasons. Which is the biggest one ... Risks to our home planet Reading Read the passage and answer the questions: What’s the greatest risk to life on earth now What’s our Plan A and Plan B Why is Mars the most likely choice for this Plan B What’s the greatest risk to life on earth now What’s our Plan A and Plan B 3. Why is Mars the most likely choice for this Plan B _____have _____ as the greatest risk to life on Earth from _____. taken over nuclear missiles Reading: Risks and solutions Plan A:Scientists are thinking of ways to lower the risk, such as _____ coal and oil _____ forms of renewable energy. Plan B: _____ to see if we could live on them. Environmental problems replacing with Explore other planets Mars is relatively close to Earth and has a less hostile environment than that of other planets. How far have we gone in exploring Mars Reading: Martian exploration These examples are mentioned to_____. show that our interest in Martian exploration is greater than ever before Mars Village in North-west China’s Qinghai Province Mars Desert Research Station Reading: Martian exploration Read Para. 3-4 and list our efforts/achievements in exploring Mars. Since the 1960s, we have been sending unmanned spacecraft to Mars. (para.3) …space agencies of various countries are planning manned missions to Mars…(para.3) Staying alive ...will not be impossible. (para.4) The experiment…did provide us with a better understanding of how humans might be able to live on another planet. (para.4) Scientists have succeeded in growing plants in an environment similar to that on Mars. (para.4) Should we give up our plan A For now, human settlement of Mars is still decades away. Activity 3 Choose the magazine in which you would most likely find the passage and give your reasons. 1 The Traveller 2 All About Space 3 Environmental Concerns 4 Biology for Fun Making inferences (Activity 4) Choose the stat ... ...

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