
人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage Life Listening and Speaking课件(共28张PPT,内嵌音频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:56次 大小:9827268Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit1 Teenage life Listening and speaking Presentation My life as a teenager is very busy. I had to balance my school work and the extra-curricular activities. As a teenager,I wish I had more time to relax and had fun. Do you like your life in senior school What kind of life do you live What kind of life do you wish to live teenage life meaningful colourful peaceful interesting relaxed nervous boring challenging Lead in Lead in How can we make our school life richer and more meaningful Join the school clubs! Lead in What clubs are there in our school . Literature Club Guitar Club Ping-pong Club English Club KOB Club Skating Club Pre-Listening Match the pictuers Q: What do you think students do in these clubs Ballet Club Nature Club Volunteer Club Debate Club dance, learn new movements clean up the park, give directions discuss different questions, exchange ideas grow plants, listen to lectures 1. What are they learning about in conversation 1 A. Hearing. B. Sounds. C. Dogs. 2. The students are discussing in conversation 2. A. Schoolwork B. Relationships C. Dating 3. Circle the two clubs where these two conversation happened. A. Science Club. B. Ballet Club. C. Nature Club. D. Debate Club. Listen to the first two conversations and choose the correct answers. 2 Topic: school/ campus/ clubs Tips: Predict content Before you listen, you can read the questions and the choices. It will help you to predict what you will hear. While-listening 1. What are they learning about in conversation 1 A. Hearing. B. Sounds. C. Dogs. 2. The students are discussing in conversation 2. A. Schoolwork B. Relationships C. Dating 3. Circle the two clubs where these two conversation happened. A. Science Club. B. Ballet Club. C. Nature Club. D. Debate Club. Listen to the first two conversations and choose the correct answers. 2 Script: Team A, please begin. ... We don't agree with Team A. ... While-listening Presentation Pre-listening(Club Activities) Translate the following phrases. 1. learn new movements 2. watch dance programmes 3. make ballet clothes 4. listen to lectures 5. grow plants 6. work in a greenhouse 7.watch cartoons 8. write stories 9. draw cartoons 10. help old people 11. clean up parks 12. give directions 1.学习新的活动 2.观看舞蹈节目 3.制作芭蕾舞衣服 4.听讲座 5.种植植物 6.在温室工作 7.看动画片 8.写故事 9.画漫画 10.帮助老人 11.清理公园 12.指路 2. Adam says that he likes but is not so interested in . A. stories, cartoons B. animals, plants C. making friends, cleaning up 3. Which club do you think is suitable for Adam Why I think Adam should join the _____Club because he says that he would like to do something _____. Listen to conversation 3. Then help Adam choose a club. Task 1. Tick the activities that happen in each club. Ballet Club Nature Club Cartoon Club Volunteer Club 〇learn new movements 〇watch dance programmes 〇make ballet clothes 〇listen to lectures 〇grow plants 〇work in a greenh ... ...

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