
外研版(2019)选择性必修二Unit6 Survival-Understanding ideas课件(共23张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:41次 大小:11791573Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) animals man Engage Read and guess: the criminal was _____ The crime took place in a seaside suburb of Cape Town. Spotting the car with its window left open, the greedy thief didn’t hesitate. Within seconds, he had reached inside and run away with a bag of shopping. No matter how many crimes he committed, the police were powerless to arrest him… the 2nd largest city in Engage This was no ordinary criminal: it was a chacma baboon (豚尾狒狒). Phenomenon: More and more wild animals are living in _____ ! cities Explore What do you want to learn about the phenomenon Read the article and choose the topic sentences for Paras. 2-5. Explore What aspects of the phenomenon are introduced in the text Explore Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 Para. 5 One thing crucial to the increasing number of “urban animals” is their ability to adapt. People often wonder about the reasons behind this mass urban migration. For those animals that don’t adapt, the city can be a dangerous or even deadly place. Yet, for its newest and wildest inhabitants, a city can offer many benefits. 2) Check the answers and decide what aspects of the phenomenon are introduced. adaption dangers Read the article and complete the diagram with key words. Explore What are the details for each aspect Share the key words you’ve found in pairs. 1) 2) urban development & climate change… animals out of natural habitats humans moving into… appealing spaces out of reach from natural predators plenty to eat more intelligent changing habits to fit in window impacts understand and appreciate our wild neighbors high-rise buildings in the way Explain Discuss in groups. Explain the value of animals neighbors based on the text and interdisciplinary(跨学科的) knowledge. All animals have a role to play in the ecosystem. More species mean a more stable ecosystem. Humans rely on the ecosystem for our survival. Protecting biodiversity is the insurance for a sustainable future. v. to recognize how good something or someone is and to value it urban development & climate change… animals out of natural habitats humans moving into… appealing spaces out of reach from natural predators plenty to eat more intelligent changing habits to fit in window impacts understand and appreciate our wild neighbors high-rise buildings in the way Examples in China The “urbanization” of wild animals is happening globally. Extend Here is what’s going on locally. 2022-04-26 21st Century Teens Swallows are nesting at subway stations. Egrets visit the fish market. 2021-04-27 Xiaohongshu Racoon dogs make home in residential neighborhood in several cities. 2021-07-13 China Daily 城市与野生动物“貉”平共处 Let’s get to know one of our animal neighbors. Extend Habitat They live in wetlands, rivers, lakes and ponds. Egrets Diet They mainly feed on fish, insects and frogs. Reproduction They nest on tall trees near water. Migration Their navigation (导航) is highly affected by air ... ...

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