
人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修2 Unit 5 First Aid Reading and Thinking课件(共23张PPT)

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(课件网) Unit5. First Aid Reading and Thinking: First Aid for Burns Contents What is First Aid First Aid Quiz Reading and Thinking: First Aid for Burns Make a Summary Discussion Homework Fast Reading Careful Reading Para.2 Para.1 Para.4 Para.3 Para.5 Para.5 What is First Aid temporary, falls ill, injury, serious, quickly First aid is a _____form of help given to someone who suddenly _____or gets injured before a doctor can be found. Often the illness or _____is not _____, but there are other times when giving first aid _____can save lives. falls ill temporary injury serious quickly First Aid Quiz 1. The best way to treat a sprained ankle is to: Put some ice on your ankle. Put a heating pad(垫子)around your ankle. Keep on walking and jumping. 2. If you get a nosebleed, gently let your head back to stop the bleeding. A. True B. False (It may lead the blood into the throat and easily cause choking.) 3. To treat a choke, you should make him /her spit by patting him/her on the back. A. True B. False (It may cause the piece of food to move and completely block the airway.) 4. To treat a bleeding, you should put a bandage on the wound and apply pressure to reduce the bleeding. A. True B. False 5. To treat a broken arm, you: A. move the broken bone in no time. B. keep the arm still using a sling to support the broken arm a snake bite 6. To treat a snake bite, you should keep the victim still and wrap(缠绕) the upper part of the injury; then cut the wound to squeeze out some venom(毒液). A. True B. False FIRST AID FOR BURNS Reading Fast Reading In which order are these topics covered in the text Number them from 1 to 5. _____ the three types of burns _____ what to do if someone gets burned _____ the purpose of skin _____ the symptoms of burns _____ how we get burns 3 5 1 4 2 the top layer the second layer the third layer tissue under the skin nerve The three l of skin ayers The skin is the organ, and also very e largest ssential. Careful Reading Para. 1 The functions of skin Fill in the blanks( based on the 1st Para.) 1. Your skin acts as a _____ against _____ , _____ and the sun’s harmful _____ . 2. Your skin _____ you _____ or _____. 3. It _____ your body _____ _____ _____. 4. It is where you feel _____ , _____ or _____ . 5. It gives you your _____ _____ _____ . keeps warm cool prevents from losing water sense of touch barrier poisons disease rays cold heat pain steam radiation hot l iquids c hemicals H2SO4 fire Sun Para. 2 Causes of burns electric s hock Type Effect Example First degree burns Affect both the top and the second layer of the skin. Burns caused by electric shocks, burning clothes, or severe petrol fires. Affect only the top layer of the skin. Second degree burns Third degree burns mild sunburn, burns caused by touching a hot pan or iron for a moment Severe sunburn, burns caused by hot liquids Affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under the skin. Para. 3 Types ... ...

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