
人教版(2019)必修 第一册 Unit 2 Travelling around Reading and Thinking课件(共39张PPT,内镶嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:98次 大小:82677281Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 UNIT 2 TRAVELLING AROUND Explore Peru To watch the video Welcome to Peru. To get to know the geography, history, culture, and landscape of Peru. To master the structural and linguistic characteristics of introductory texts and tourism brochure. To learn key words and expressions. It’s a country with the world’s longest mountain range, largest rainforest, oldest settlements, and great ancient civilization. It’s a country with coasts, highlands, and jungles. You can trek (长途跋涉) through hot, humid jungles one day, and cold arid glaciers the next. What’s this country What did you see in the video What impresses you most in the video What other sources of information can you find about Peru n. 来源;出处 Watch the video Welcome to Peru and answer the questions. What did you see in the video What impresses you most in the video I saw the Andes Mountains, the Amazon rainforest, Cusco city, Machu Picchu, and Lake Titicaca in the video. I wish I could learn more about the people of Peru. Lima is a nice place, mixed with colonial (殖民的) architecture and modern architecture. Lake Titicaca at Puno is the world's highest lake. Peru is the third largest country in South America, and borders with Ecuador, Columbia, Brazil, Bolivia and Chile. Its capital is Lima. Colca Canyon at Arequipa is one of the deepest canyon in world. Machu Picchu is an ancient Inca fortress (堡垒) city. Its extensive ruins were discovered in 1911. We’ve learnt a lot about Peru by watching a video. What are some other sources from which we can find more information about this country books (encyclopedia, trave guidebooks), Internet (travel websites), travel brochures, friends, travel agents, TV or radio programmes, posters, blogs, newspapers, and magazine Recognize text type Before you read, look through the text quickly for titles, headers, pictures, charts, and any other information that might tell you what type of text it is. v. 辨别出 n. 类型 v. 打字 Read the two texts about Peru. Look through them quickly. What types of text are they: encyclopedia or brochure n. 百科全书 n. 资料手册 如何判断文本类型是encyclopedia(百科全书)还是brochure(旅游指南)? simple language brief content objective description vivid pictures beautiful design clear structure powerful and expressive language encyclopedia brochure encyclopedia: a book or a set of books giving information about all areas of knowledge or about different areas of one particular subject brochure: a small magazine or book containing pictures and information about something or advertising something 从二者的英文释义可知,百科全书是概要记述人类一切知识门类或某一知识门类的工具书,其主要作用是供人们查找必要的知识和事实资料;旅游指南主要包含旅游计划、线路、乘坐的交通工具、居住的酒店、游览的地方等要素,其作用是方便人们旅游。 可通过浏览文本的标题titles、信息标题headers、图片pictures、图表charts和其它信息把握文本的主要特征。 首先看介绍Peru 的文本(PERU is a cou ... ...

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