
人教版(2019)必修 第一册 Unit3 Sports and fitness Reading and Thinking课件(共29张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:13次 大小:16658117Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 UNIT 3 SPORTS AND FITNESS Choose your favourite athlete To read about famous athletes at home and abroad To practise and develop ability to find information in the reading passage To form and discuss opinions about successful athletes To talk about the athlete that you admire Who is your sports hero What’re his or her major achievements Share his or her stories with your partner. Look at the titles and pictures on the book. What do you think the text is about The pictures show figures doing different sports, so it must be about sports. The title refers to “Living Legends” so it must be about great sports people alive today. Lang Ping is the first person ever, male or female, to have won an Olympic gold medal as both a player and a coach. Michael Jordan is probably the most famous and legendary basketball player of all time. Look at the pictures and think about the content before reading. This helps you to relate what you read to what you already know and to understand the new text. Make predictions What do you already know about the two legends What do you want to know Fill in the blanks and then read the passage to get more information about them. Athlete What do you already know What do you want to know Lang Ping Michael Jordan Read the text and decide what is stated in the text (S), what can be inferred (I) and what you know to be true from experience (E). _____ Lang Ping won several championships before she became a coach. _____ Lang Ping believed that her young players could win. _____ Many people in China and the US love Coach Lang. _____ Michael Jordan is loved by basketball fans around the world. _____ Before people saw Michael Jordan play, they did not know that basketball could be played that way. _____ Michael Jordan believes that it is important to help others. I S I E I I Fill in the blanks in the following framework according to the text. Lang Ping Speciality 1. _____ Achievements Bringing 2. _____ and glory to her country Leading her volleyball team to 3. _____at world championships and the Olympics Difficulties or failures Losing two important players before the 2015 World Cup Attitude to difficulties or failures Never 4. _____: Working together with her young players as a team to win the 2015 World Cup Leading her team to Olympic gold in Brazil in 2016 Volleyball honour medals lose heart Michael Jordan Speciality Basketball Achievements Changing basketball with his graceful 5. _____ _____ Setting up the Boys and Girls Club, which has been helping young people since 6. _____ Difficulties or failures Losing games Attitude to difficulties or failures Never give up: Always seeming to find a way to win the game in the 7. _____ seconds Learning from his 8. _____ and practising harder 1996 moves and jumps final failures 1. How was Lang Ping’s determination tested in the 2015 World Cup Her determiation was tested because the team lost two important players. Read ... ...

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