
2025届高考英语考点剖析精创专题卷 专题十三 语法填空记叙类专练(含解析0

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:13次 大小:36845Byte 来源:二一课件通
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专题十三 语法填空记叙类专练———2025届高考英语考点剖析精创专题卷 考点01:冠词(第一大题②,第二大题⑨,第四大题⑤⑩,第五大题①,第六大题⑩) 考点02:代词(第二大题②,第三大题②) 考点03:介词和介词短语(第一大题⑤,第二大题⑦,第三大题⑥,第五大题③,第六大题⑥) 考点04:名词(第一大题①⑦,第二大题①,第三大题⑩,第四大题⑧,第五大题⑥,第六大题③) 考点05:形容词和副词(第一大题③④,第二大题④⑧,第三大题⑧⑨,第四大题②⑦,第五大题⑩,第六大题②) 考点06:非谓语动词(第一大题⑧⑩,第二大题⑤⑩,第三大题①③,第四大题①③,第五大题④⑧⑨,第六大题①⑤) 考点07:动词的时态和语态(第一大题⑨,第二大题③,第三大题⑤⑦,第四大题⑥,第五大题②⑤,第六大题⑨) 考点08:定语从句(第一大题⑥,第二大题⑥,第三大题④,第五大题⑦,第六大题⑧) 考点09:名词性从句(第六大题④) 考点10:连词(第四大题⑨) 考点11:强调句:(第四大题④) 一、 The ancient town of Fenghuang is a place with beautiful village life in rural China. Having travelled directly from the busy city, I regard Fenghuang as a better ①_____(choose) to have a breath of the fresh air. When I paid ②_____ visit to Fenghuang, it was July. My friend and I ③_____ (excited) explored, walking along the ancient wall and crossing the beautiful, old bridges. People there were very ④_____ (relax). They were neither troubled by the hot weather nor by the tourists, walking, eating and playing outdoors. ⑤_____ the first evening we bought spicy, cold noodles and ate on the riverbank as we watched the sunset. We stayed in a small hotel ⑥_____ was similar to many of the traditional ⑦_____ (building) in the village. Our room was built on high stilts(桩子) over the banks of the river. From our window we could hear the rush of the water and the sounds of of excited tourists ⑧_____ (travel) in small boats downstream. We saw people at work busy catching fish and young children playing in shallow waters. Although there ⑨_____ (be) many visitors to Fenghuang, we did not see any other foreigner during our stay. After several days, I was still unwilling ⑩_____ (leave). 二、 Yao Zhongyu, a student of Beihang University from Taiwan, told his parents in a video ①_____(post) online that he would not be able to spend the Spring Festival with ②_____(they) as he volunteered for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games. “Beijing is such a big stage and I have missed out on many of the big events that ③_____(take) place in the past few years. It is a ④_____(significance) opportunity to participate as a volunteer in such an international event,” Yao said. In order ⑤_____(select), Yao had passed the College English Test before he signed up as a volunteer, attended the Red Cross rescue training, ⑥_____ was organized by Beihang University, and obtained a corresponding certificate. “My parents think that it is an honor ⑦_____ me to be a part of the Beijing 2022 and they ⑧_____(true) take pride in me,” Yao said. Yao worked as a volunteer in the Yanqing competition zone in the suburban area of Beijing. According t ... ...

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