
外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit2 Exploring English Period1课件+学案

日期:2024-09-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:41次 大小:1557361Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Period 1  单元词汇表(Words and expressions) 1.title n.题目,标题 v.加标题 2.type n.类型,种类 3.contact v.联系,联络 4.likely adj.可能的,可能发生的 5.remind v.提醒,使……想起 6.comment n.评论 7.alarm n.警报器;闹钟 8.context n.上下文,语境 9.resource n.资料,(教学)资源 10.error n.错误,谬误 1.The famous star hates to see the bad comments(comment) about her life. 2.Four years later,Goethe published a book titled(title) Color Lesson. 3.Any head teacher who made errors(error) like this would be fired. 4.They provide online contexts(context) for the social behaviors we exhibit. 5.She took care of me when I wrote the books,reminding(remind) me not to stay up too late. 6.The students are encouraged to make full use of their learning resources(resource) for the improvement of their spoken English. 7.Give the names of two people who can be contacted(contact) in an emergency. 8.There were various types(type) of mobile phones on exhibition,so that I wasn't sure which to buy. 1.oppose v.反对;抵制→opposed adj.强烈反对的→opposing adj.(观点、意见等)相反的,相对立的 2.behave v.表现→behavior n.举止,行为 3.confuse v.使迷惑→confused adj.感到迷惑的→confusing adj.令人困惑的→confusion n.困惑;混乱局面 4.reflect v.显示,反映→reflection n.反映;倒影 5.create v.创造;发明→creation n.创造→creative adj.创造(性)的;有创造力的→creativity n.创造性,创造力 6.visible adj.看得见的,可见的→invisible adj.看不见的;无形的 7.intend v.计划,打算→intention n.意图;目的;打算 8.recognise v.认识,辨认出→recognition n.认识;识别 9.base v.以……为基础→basic adj.基本的→basically adv.基本上,大体上;总的说来 10.aware adj.意识到的,明白的→awareness n.意识;认识 1.She had a firm intention(intend) within herself to be the best she could be. 2.Children should be praised for their good behavior(behave),which encourages them to do better. 3.The conference,whose aim is to promote students' creativity(create),will be held in the school hall. 4.The city has been built up so fast that it has changed beyond recognition (recognise). 5.Do you think a person's clothes are a reflection(reflect) of his personality? 6.Basically(basic),I agree with your suggestion,but there are still a few points I'd like to discuss with you. 7.Well aware of the environmental problem,he is determined to raise the public awareness of protecting the environment.(aware) 8.They confused me by asking so many confusing questions.I was totally confused,standing there in confusion,not knowing what to do.(confuse) 1.speak of 谈到,提起 2.wonder at 对……感到诧异 3.burn up/down 烧毁 4.fill in/out 填写(表格等) 5.wind up 给(机械)上发条;使(活动、会议等)结束 6.come across 偶然发现 7.have a frog in one's throat (尤因喉咙痛)说话困难 8.be aware of 意识到,察觉到 1.Speaking of developing our economy,we must take the environmental protection into consideration. 2.Many people are aware of the benefits of physic ... ...

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