
外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit5 Into the wild Period4课件+学案

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:11次 大小:770076Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Period 4  单元语法讲练(Using language) 1.accommodation n.住处,工作场所 (1)make/provide accommodation for 为……提供住处 (2)accommodate v. 容纳(乘客等);供应;(使)适应;帮忙 accommodate (sth.) to sth. 顺应;适应(新情况) accommodate oneself to 使自己适应于…… accommodate sb.with sth. 帮忙;向某人提供某物 [即学即练]———单句语法填空/完成句子 ①It took him a while to accommodate his eyes to the darkness. ②He will accommodate me with the use of his house while he is abroad. ③我还想知道整个课程我要花费多少,是否包含住宿。 I'd also like to know how much I have to pay for the course and whether accommodation is included. 2.found v.创立,创建 be founded on 建立在……基础上 foundation n. 基础;根据;建立 founder n. 创立者;奠基人 [即学即练]———单句语法填空/句式升级 ①The People's Republic of China was founded(found) in 1949. ②The students in middle schools should build up a solid foundation(found) in English. ③Tsinghua University was founded in 1911,and it's home to a great number of outstanding figures. →Founded in 1911,Tsinghua University is home to a great number of outstanding figures.(分词短语作状语) P70 1.be welcomed to 欢迎来到…… 2.for the first time 第一次 P71 1.have an amazing time 玩得很开心 2.on their way to the waterhole 在他们去水池的路上 3.as busy as a bee 忙得团团转 4.kill two birds with one stone 一举两得,一箭双雕 5.when the cat's away(the mice will play) 猫儿不在,老鼠作怪(指管事的人不在,下面的人玩个痛快) 6.hold your horses 慢点,别急 7.rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨 P72 1.a way of adding colour to the language 给语言增添色彩的一种方式 2.(be) busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 3.rush into doing sth. 仓促行事 4.take...for example 以……为例 5.have fun 玩得开心 6.someone in authority (某个)掌权的人 7.keep animals at home 在家里养动物 8.as sources of food 作为食物来源 P73 1.keep wild animals in zoos 把野生动物养在动物园里 2.be unable to live on their own 它们无法独立生活 3.hold a debate on 就……举行辩论 4.listen out for 留心听(某种声音) 5.at the very start of the debate 在辩论的一开始 6.be for or against the statement 赞成或反对这个陈述 7.supporting arguments 论据 8.can't deny that... 不可否认…… 关系副词引导的定语从句 一、关系副词的基本用法 关系副词 指代的先行词 在从句中所作的成分 when 时间名词 时间状语 where 地点名词 地点状语 why 原因名词 原因状语 I still remember the days when we stayed in England. 我仍然记得我们在英国的那些日子。 This is the mountain village where I stayed last year. 这是我去年待过的山村。 She came around to explain the reason why she was absent from the meeting. 她来这里是为了解释她缺席这次会议的原因。 [名师点津] 当先行词是case,condition,situation,position,stage等表示抽象意义的名词时用关系副词where引导定语从句。 He gets into a situation where it is hard to tell what is right or wrong. 他陷入一种难以判断对错的境地。 [特别提醒] point作先行词,表示“时间”,用when引导定语从句;表示“地点”,用where引导定语从句。 We had reached the point when there was no money ... ...

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