
外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit6 At one with nature Period5课件+学案

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:49次 大小:775503Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Period 5  课文整体教学(Developing ideas) 1.From paragraph 1,we can learn _____. A.the whole world looks like a real garden B.all rich people in Britain have gardens C.many British people's fingers are green D.homes with gardens were built before at first 2.What do we know the love of gardening in Britain A.Children like to see the tallest flowers. B.Only experts can enter the competitions. C.People enjoy working in their gardens. D.People can find a place to plant flowers. 3.Why do people turn their rooftops into gardens A.The flowers on the rooftops are more beautiful. B.The space that can be used is limited. C.Too many people are waiting for the place. D.The flowers on the rooftops improve the air quality. 4.Where can you find the passage A.A science book.  B.A magazine. C.A flower book. D.A leaflet. [答案] 1—4 ACBB 1.branch n.树枝;分支,分部 v.分岔 ①(教材原句)And while many Brits like nothing better than spending their Sunday cutting the grass,some are happy just to sit under the branches of the trees and enjoy the beauty of the world around them. n.树枝 ②His company is developing so rapidly that he has set up several branches in other big cities. n.分支,分部 ③The accident happened where the road branches. v.分岔 2.rent v.租用,租借 n.租金 ①(教材原句)Those without outside space can rent small pieces of land on which to grow things. v.租用 ②I paid the rent at the beginning of every month. n.租金 1.(学会断句)Today,millions of Brits like to say/that they have “green fingers”,with around half the population/spending their free time gardening. [分析] 本句是一个复合句,say后是that引导的宾语从句,with around half the population spending their free time gardening为with复合结构作状语。 [翻译] 今天,数以百万的英国人喜欢说他们有“绿手指(意为擅长园艺)”,约有一半的英国人都把空闲时间用在打理花园上。 2.(学会断句)Those without outside space/can rent small pieces of land/ on which to grow things. [分析] 本句是一个简单句,without outside space为介词短语作定语,修饰those,on which to grow things为“介词+关系代词+不定式”作定语,相当于定语从句on which they can grow things,修饰land。 [翻译] 住宅外部没有空间的居民可以租用小块土地种植作物。 1.(续写佳句)If you look the right way,you can see that the whole world is a garden. 如果从合适的角度去欣赏,你会发现整个世界就是一个花园。 2.(续写佳句)For many people in the UK,their garden is their own private world. 对于许多英国人来说,花园就是他们的私密世界。 3.(应用文佳句)And while many Brits like nothing better than spending their Sunday cutting the grass,some are happy just to sit under the branches of the trees and enjoy the beauty of the world around them. 虽然许多英国人认为锄草是周日最棒的活动,但也有的人只要能坐在树下享受周围世界的美丽就心满意足了。 4.(应用文佳句)As well as being good for the environment,gardening is also good for the soul. 除了能改善环境,园艺还能净化心灵。 1.expert adj.内行的,专家的 n.专家 (1)be expert at/in ... ...

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