
外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit6 At one with nature Period1课件+学案

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:58次 大小:1548913Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Period 1  Unit 6 At one with nature 主题语境 人与自然之人类生存与环境的关系 1.____ v.包,裹 2._____ v.设计 3._____ v.以……替换,更换 4._____ adj.狭窄的,不宽的 5._____ n.树枝 6.____ v.租用,租借 课时练案 单元词汇表(Words and expressions) wrap design replace narrow branch rent 7.dynasty n.____ 8.region n._____ 9.structure n._____ 10.expert adj._____ 朝代 地区,区域 结构,构造,组织 内行的,专家的 1.It was so cold outside that he _____(wrap) a scarf tightly around his face. 2.During the Tang and Song _____(dynasty),landscape painting became popular. 3.Teachers will never _____(replace) with computers in the classroom. 4.The tree fell slowly,its _____(branch) caught in those of its neighbors. wrapped dynasties be replaced branches 5.Although the gap is _____(narrow) than it was several years ago,it still exists. 6.Many young people headed for remote _____(region) to work as voluntary teachers. 7.The book,_____(design) for young adults,turned out to be popular with the elderly. 8.When _____(rent) a house,everyone expects not only the good quality but also the nice neighbors. narrower regions designed renting 1._____ v.阻挡,防止→prevention n.防止;预防→preventable adj.可预防的 2._____ n.融洽相处,和谐→harmonious adj.融洽的,和谐的 3._____ v.伤害,损害→harmful adj.有害的→harmless adj.无害的 4._____ n.农业→agricultural n.农业的 prevent harmony harm agriculture 5.prior adj.较重要的;先前的;较早的→_____ n.优先处理的事,当务之急 6._____ v.出版→publication n.出版→publisher n.出版人(社) 7.limit v.限制 n.界限→_____ adj.有限的→unlimited/limitless adj.无限的 8._____ n.好处,益处 v.有益于→beneficial adj.有益的,有用的 9.please v.使高兴→pleased adj.高兴的,满意的→_____ adj.令人愉快的→pleasure n.快乐,乐趣 10._____ n.力量,活力→energetic adj.精力充沛的 priority publish limited benefit pleasant energy 1.Take more exercise and have enough sleep,and you will feel relaxed and _____ (energy). 2.It is a _____(harmony) community where pupils are happy and industrious. 3.The polluted air will be _____(harm) to people and animals around. 4.As we all know,cycling is highly _____(benefit) to health and the environment. energetic harmonious harmful beneficial 5.The island is equally attractive in spring and autumn because of the _____(please) weather in both seasons. 6.In the late 19th century,Europe changed from a mostly _____ (agriculture) society to an industrial one. 7.As we all know,a person's life is _____,but knowledge is _____.(limit) 8.Many accidents are _____ so we must pay attention to the _____ of them.(prevent) pleasant agricultural limited unlimited/limitless preventable prevention 1._____ 是……的家乡/居住地 2._____ 大量的,许多的 3._____ 防止……免受…… 4._____ 与……协调一致/和谐 5._____ 为……提供…… 6._____ 传递下去 7._____ 导致,引起 8._____ 认真思考,反思 be hom ... ...

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