
人教版(2019)必修 第一册 Unit 2 Travelling around Reading and Thinking课件(共33张PPT,内镶嵌视频和音频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:27次 大小:92334385Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Travelling Around 人教版必修第一册 Reading and Thinking I travelled several places this summer vacation. Orange Isle in Changsha Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge The Confucius Temple Chongqing Do you like travelling PERU Peru Internet Encyclopedia Video Welcome to Peru Amazon Rainforest Machu Picchu Cusco Lake Titicaca Travel Peru What did you see in the video I saw the Andes Mountains, the Amazon rainforest, Cusco city, Machu Picchu, and Lake Titicaca in the video. I wish I could learn more about the people of Peru. What sources(来源) of information can you find about Peru check oline go to the library watch video What other sources of information can you find about Peru encyclopedia(百科全书) travel brochure / n sa kl pi di / / br (r)/ Simple picture Brief content Simple language Only facts encyclopedia brochure Eye-catching pictures Necessary information Beautiful design Powerful language 吸引眼球的 Read for the text type Which text is encyclopedia,text 1 or text 2 encyclopedia brochure 1 2 Read for thinking (page27) Compare the structures of the two types. Read for thinking basic facts about Peru map informative, objective(客观的) sub-titles pictures brief introductions conclusion title Read for thinking highly subjective(主观的) Underline useful phrases or expressions. Encyclopedia Text 1.南美洲_____ 2.在太平洋沿岸_____ 3.三个主要地区_____ 4. 现闻名于世的地方 __ 5.控制/接管某地_____ _____ South America on the Pacific coast three main areas the now-famous site take control of sp. 狭窄的 平坦的 皇帝 地点 官方的 Discuss the basic information with your partner. Location(定位) Geographic characteristic(地理特点) 1. 2. 3. History(历史) in the 1400s and 1500s from the 1500s to 1821 Language(语言) Read for basic information language basic information of Peru location geography history Location: Geographical features: Peru is on the Pacific coast of South America. Narrow, dry, flat land The Andes Mountains The Amazon Rainforest A narrow coastal belt The Andes Mountains The Amazon Rainforest What information can you get from the Peru map Geography Three main areas Read for basic information History: Language: Spanish is the main official language 1400s-1500s 1500s-1821 Read for basic information centre of the ancient Inca Empire Spain took control of it Underline useful phrases or expressions. Brochure Text 1.一次短程的航班_____ 2.乘船旅游_____ 3.在雨林中央_____ 4. 和当地的导游一起 _ 5.雨林特有的_____ _____ a short flight travel by boat in the middle of the forest with a local guide unique to the rainforest 航班 住处 独有的 Read for details (page27) place Amazon Rainforest Number of days Transport Accommodation Activity boating, hiking, exploring nature 4 days flight, boat in the middle of the forest Underline useful phrases or expressions. Brochure Text 1.四天的徒步旅行_____ 2.直抵马丘比丘市_____ 3.到达目的地之后_____ 4. 被古城的景色所惊叹 _ 5.将石头切割成精确的尺寸 ... ...

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