
外研版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 6 At One with Nature Developing ideas 教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:61次 大小:20860Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Teaching Plan Topic: 外研版(2019)必修第一册Unit6 At one with nature Developing ideas Grade: Senior 1 教材分析 This lesson presents a text that reflects the theme of the unit from another perspective. The type of discourse is an explanatory text that introduces the British people's love of gardening. The model text in the reading and writing section is an explanatory text that introduces the British people's drinking of fruit and herbal teas and the effectiveness of herbal teas. Through this section, students will be able to further understand the relationship between human beings and nature, and ultimately form the correct values of respecting nature, caring for nature and protecting the ecology. 教学目标 By the end of the class, students will be able to: ◆To read and understand the text, accurately grasp the topic sentence of each paragraph, summarize the main idea of the paragraph and clarify the structure of the text. ◆To understand the stylistic features and content elements of summary writing, and to be able to use what they have learned to write a summary and summarize the main ideas of an article. ◆To gain an in-depth understanding of the British love of gardening and the tradition of drinking fruit and herbal teas, and to develop a cross-cultural understanding of the importance of living in harmony with nature in both Chinese and foreign cultures in relation to their own realities, and ultimately to develop a sense of being close to nature, respecting nature, using nature wisely and living in harmony with nature. 教学重难点 Key Points: to guide students to grasp and summarize the main ideas of passages and discourses through reading. Students can develop the ability to write in outline. Difficult Points: guide students in outline writing; guide students to develop a sense of being close to nature, revering nature, using nature wisely and living in harmony with nature. 教学工具 教材、多媒体课件、黑板和粉笔 Type Reading to writing Period: 40mins Teaching Procedures Steps Activities Lead-in 1.Teacher shows some pictures of The “Agricultural garden” in our school, and asks students to guess where it is. 2. Teacher presents students some pictures of British gardens to introduce the topic of the following text. Justification: To arouse students’ interest and draw their attention to the topic of this class – British gardens. Activity 1 Quiz 1. Teacher divides the class into groups and asks students to have discussions and complete the quiz. 2. Teacher asks some students to share their answers with the class. Justification: To activate students’ theme-related background knowledge. Activity 2 Prediction 1. Teacher asks students to look at the title of the passage as well as the picture and give their own understanding of the title. 2. Teacher asks students to tick what they think is mentioned in the passage and give reasons, and asks other students to make comments. 3. Teacher asks students to read the passage and check their answers. J ... ...

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