
人教版初中英语江西中考中考话题复习话题 Nature 课件 (共40张PPT,含内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-15 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:35次 大小:105397387Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Topic:Nature 中考英语话题复习 人教版Go for it 九年级(下) Welcome to my class! Nature 季节 season 动植物 animal and plant 人与自然 man and nature 山川与河流 mountain and river 宇宙 universe part 1 Nature is beautiful There are different seasons in a year. spring summer summer autumn winter autumn winter Which season do you like best autumn summer spring winter Do you remember What’s the highest mountain in the world What’s the longest river in the world What’s the biggest desert in the world What’s the deepest salt sea in the world Qomolangma The Nile The Sahara The Caspian Sea Poyang Lake Poyang Lake is the most beautiful lake in Jiangxi. PoyangLake is _____ than_____ lakes in Jiangxi. more beautiful other Yuhua Moutain Yuhua Mountain is the highest mountain in Fengchen. Yuhua Mountain is _____ than _____mountain in Fengchen. higher any other part 2 Nature is colorful There are different animals on the earth. ANIMALS VOCABULARY REVIEW What is this It’s a pig What is this It’s a sheep What is this It’s a hen What is this It’s a lion What is this It’s a rabbit What is this It’s a bear What is this It’s a mouse What is this It’s a wolf animals cat elephant giraffe dog panda horse sheep snake fox tiger cow bear duck bear spider koala age appearance How to describe an animal name nationality It comes from... China South Africa South America Asia personality lovely shy cute noisy scary scary smart friendly brave fearless beautiful ugly small huge strong black and white brown what to eat where to live It likes eating... grass leaves bamboo meat It lives... in the zoo in the wild in the forest on a farm in the field Chinese Zodiac Signs 十二生肖 2022年 O March 3 2023年 When is it It’s March 3. Why is it special It’s World Wildlife Day. Ask and answer What does it mean ...... TigerTtiger A Chinese tiger 1.What’s their personality like 2.Where do they live They are brave,strong and fearless. 3.What’s the meaning of them in China 4.What’s their situation? They mostly live in Asia . They are the symbol of Chinese culture. They symbolize power,energy and protection. Maybe they are in danger. Ask and answer In Chinese culture, tigers are considered the king of all animals. This year was the Year of Tiger. ( )1.When did the class go to Sichun Panda Base A.Last Friday. B.Last Saturday. C.Last Sunday. ( )2.How far is it from Sichuan Panda Base to the speaker’s school A.About 130 kilometers. B.About 140 kilometers. C.About 150 kilometers ( )3.How long can pandas live in the wild A.For about 20 years. B.For about 30 years. C.For about 40 years. ( )4.What can we learn from the monologue A.The class went to the Sichun Panda Base by train. B. An adult panda eats 10 kilos of bamboo a day . C.Pandas in the wild usually eat apples and carrots. Pandas are cute and lovely.They live high up in the mountains in the southeast of China.Last Sunday ,our class went to Wolong Panda Base to learn ... ...

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