
高中英语 Unit 2 Travelling around-Reading and Thinking-Explore Peru 新人教版必修一

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:42次 大小:231408594Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Reading and thinking Explore Peru Unit2 Travelling around 高中英语人教版新教材必修一 01 learn to recognize two different text types--encyclophdia and travel brochure by analyzing their features. 02 learn to comb the structure and writing features of the text with the help of mind map 03 learn to design your own travel brochure using the tips in this class. 04 Learning Objectives learn to make a research on the history of Peru and the Inca Empire and think about the relationship between history and present. Which country is it? Peru Lead-in What other sources of information can you find about Peru? search online use an encyclopedia(百科全书) get some travel brochures go to the library Lead-in Activity 1 Learn how to predict the topic of the unit———Travelling Around 1 Where do you think the travellers in the photo are? 2 Do you like travelling? Who do you like to travel with? 3 What places have you travelled to? What words can you use to describe your trips? the picture Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education, in the elder, a part of experience. --Francis Bacon the motto: In this unit, you will 1. read about tours to Peru and China. 2. tisten to people discuss their travel plans. 3. talk about preparing for travel and how to make reservations for a trip. 4. write a travel plan. 5. learn about travelling at home and abroad. Learning techniques: how to predict? 预测学习策略归纳 05 01 02 03 04 the topic of the unit the motto the picture learning aims the title of the passage Activity 2. Reading Circle (choose one task) Connector Group Leader Reading Circle Type Recognizer Language Analyzer Passage person Text 1 Text 2 What types of text are the passages: encyclopedia or brochure ? Type Recognizer a map of Peru the captial of Peru Text 1 Text 1 is taken from _____ about Peru for it is made up of _____ and _____. an encyclopedia a brief introduction a map (an illustration) Type Recognizer simple language brief content objective description An encyclopedia Text 2 Text 2 is _____ about Peru for its format and this sentence _____. sub-title -- key words title --topic illustration -- sights text -- detailed tour information text -- conclusion & further information a travel brochure “For more brochures about package tours around Peru, contact…” expressive language vivid pictures subjective description A brochure Type Recognizer Learning techniques: how to recognize the type? 文体识别策略归纳 05 01 02 03 04 the title of the passage the picture the structure The style The content Location: Geographical features: Peru is on the Pacific coast of South America. Narrow, dry, flat land The Andes Mountains The Amazon Rainforest A narrow dry, flat land The Andes Mountains The Amazon Rainforest Geography Three main areas Pacific Ocean Passage Person History: Language: in the 1400s and 1500s the _____of the powerful ancient Inca Empire centre from the 1500s to 1821 ruled by Spain Spanish Mark the following tourist attractions 1 1. Amazon Rainforest 2 ... ...

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