
译林版(2019)必修第二册Unit 4 Exploring literature Grammar and usage 课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:72次 大小:295241Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Modals 情态动词 Any visit to the southwestern states should include a trip to see the amazing Rock Art of the prehistoric Native Americans. The term rock art refers to two types of art forms- petroglyphs, which are carved into the rock, and pictographs, which are painted on the rock. In some National Parks, you don’t have to look far to find magnificent petroglyphs because they seem to be on almost every rock or cliff face. In other areas, you have to hike up to caves or into canyons to see the rock art, but it is well worth the effort. Regardless of where you go, you ought to bring a camera to record these hauntingly beautiful images. Use have to to express necessity. * In other areas, you have to hike up to caves or into canyons to see the rock art. Can you see the rock art from your car NO What is necessary to see the rock art You have to leave the car and hike up to caves or into canyons. *Must more commonly expresses necessity in rules, instructions, and legal documents. Use don’t have to when talking about lack of necessity. You don’t have to look far to find magnificent petroglyphs because they seem to be on just about every rock or cliff face. Is it necessary to look far NO. You don’t have to look far. Should and ought to are used to express advisability. You should see the rock art in New Mexico. You ought to see the rock art in New Mexico. Same meaning YES Should and ought to are used to express advisability. You should see the rock art in New Mexico. You ought to see the rock art in New Mexico. Both mean it’s a good idea to see the rock art. Practice 1 Write a sentence for each of the modals. 1. Name something a person must do according to the law. 2. What do you have to do every week 3. What don’t you have to do tonight 4. Finish this sentence: Parents ought to _____ 5. Finish this sentence: Children should _____ Rock art spans thousands of years and almost all areas of the United States and Mexico have some. However, the southwestern states contain an unusually high number of images, often in old settlements. As you walk through these areas, you may find figures of people, animals, or plants carved into the rock. You can also see unique geometric patterns. What were these patterns supposed to represent We may never know. The artists could have been illustrating rain or lightning. Or they may have been trying to show emotions such as joy or sadness. Whatever the meaning, it is easy to see the uniqueness of this art. Use was / were supposed to when talking about unknown or unfulfilled plans or expectations in the past. What were these patterns supposed to represent Perhaps the rock art was supposed to tell a story. We have no idea of the purpose of the artist, so we can only guess. Progressive form of modals express a possibility about something in progress, either now or in the past. The artist could have been illustrating rain. When did the artist live What were t ... ...

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