
人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit1 Teenage life Listening and Speaking 课件-(共32张PPT,内嵌音频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:85次 大小:48662954Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Teenage Life Listening and Speaking _____ formed at youth _____. – Aristotle Step 1: Listen and fill in the blanks. 青年时期养成的良好习惯使人受益终身。 ———亚里士多德 Step 2: Read and translate. Good habits make all the difference Good habits formed at youth make all the difference. Name: _____ Sex: _____ Age: _____ Nationality: _____ Identity: _____ _____ Who was Aristotle 62 (384 BC – 322 BC) ancient Greek Aristotle philosopher , scientist, greatest thinker Male Other sayings A young idler, an old beggar. No effort is spared, no rest is spared. No cross, no crown. It’s never too late to learn. Step 3: Discuss and think about other sayings. How do you feel after reading his words 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲! 少不惜力,老不歇心。 活到老,学到老。 不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。 Lead-in What are the teenagers doing in the photo 1.What are the teenagers doing in the photo They’re joining some extra-curricular activities held by a club, like flying kites. 2. What kind of life do you wish/expect /hope to live at senior high school I wish I can balance my school life and my hobbies. I hope I will live a simple life/busy/ comfortable/peaceful/rewarding/ challenging life I expect to study hard and have fun at the same time Choose a School Club What club would you like to take part in volunteer club student union debate club broadcasting Station Pre-listening Basketball Club I’m into playing basketball. I’m a big fan of playing basketball. Calligraphy Club I’m crazy about Chinese traditional culture, especially calligraphy. Chorus Club I’m fond of singing. Singing is my hobby. Reading Club I am always attracted by novels, plays and poems. IT Club What I really like is science and technology. I enjoy discussing different questions. I love dancing. I prefer helping others. I’m interested in plants and animals. I’m fond of singing a lot. I am always attracted by novels, plays and poems. What I really like is science and technology. I’m crazy about Chinese traditional culture, especially drama. I’m into playing basketball. Playing basketball is my hobby. Expressions about likes Pre-listening Match the photos with the names of the clubs. Ballet Club _____ Nature Club _____ Volunteer Club _____ Debate Club _____ 2 4 3 1 We enjoy discussing different questions. Debate Club 2. Why do they choose these clubs Discussion Ballet Club I love dancing. I prefer helping others. Volunteer Club I am interested in plants and animals. Nature Club These questions may help you to predict the content: Who are the speakers What are they talking about Where did the conversation take place(发生) Listening tip While-listening Listen to the first two conversations and choose the correct answers. What are they learning about in Conversation 1 The students are discussing ____ in Conversation 2. Circle the two clubs where these two conversations happened. A. Hearing. B. Sounds. C. Dogs. A. schoolwork B. relati ... ...

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