

日期:2024-09-15 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:80次 大小:32259966Byte 来源:二一课件通
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七年级(上) Unit 1 Making new friends (结交新朋友) 好词佳句 话题词汇。 七年级 active活跃的;积极的 diligent勤奋的;勤勉的 easy-going随和的 energetic精力充沛 的;充满活力的 height身高 humorous幽默的 handsome英俊的 lovely可爱的 pretty漂亮的 naughty顽皮的;淘气的 性格特点 round圆形的 outgoing外向的 similar相像的 patient耐心的 strong强壮的 外貌特征 romantic浪漫的 weak虚弱的 silent不说话的:沉默的 look like像 (be)of medium build/height 中等身材1身高 人物介绍 take after(外貌或行为)像 wear glasses戴眼镜 brave勇敢的 excellent优秀的 interest兴趣 friendly友好的 hobby业余爱好 helpful乐于助人的 collect收集 prefer更喜欢 honest诚实的 favo(u)rite特别喜爱的 kind善良的 spare空闲的;不用的 polite有礼貌的 优秀品质 兴趣爱好 strong坚强的 enjoy doing sth..享受做某事 be friendly to sb. get into the habit养成习惯 对某人友善 be fond of喜爱 be patient with sb. be good at擅长于… 对某人有耐心 be interested in对…感兴趣 take...seriously 认真对待… 1 出彩句型 冬介绍外貌特征 1.He isn't tall or short and he is of medium height.[人教七(下)Unit9改编] 2.She's of medium height/build,and she has long straight hair.[鲁教七(上)Unit1] 3.Penguins look funny with their big bodies,small heads,short necks and short legs. (下)Unit6] 4.I'm quite tall,with short fair hair,and I wear glasses.[外研八(下)Unit2] 5.They look alike with their short hairdos and big eyes.[2020] 级 6.I am a 13-year-old girl with long straight black hair,two big eyes and a round face. 上 ”介绍兴趣爱好 1.That's why I like reading books and I study harder in class.[人教七(下)Unit5] 2.I like watching the news because I hope to find out what's going on around the world. [人教八(上)Unit5改编] 3.I'm interested in history books..They improve my knowledge of the past..[译林牛津八(下) Unit 4] 4.I was most interested in a backpack for computers.2022] 5.Jack enjoys swimming and sunbathing with his friends.[2021] 6.I'm pleased to know that you're interested in Chinese medicine.[2020 7.In my free time,I enjoy drinking tea and I am especially good at brewing tea. 8.I am fond of sports such as basketball,volleyball and so on,because I think doing sports can make me strong and healthy. 冬介绍性格特征及优秀品质 1.ly best friend Yuan Li is quiet too,so we enjoy studying together.[人教八(上)Unit3] 2.Not everyone knows what they want to be.Just make sure you try your best.[人教八(上) Unit 6] 3.She is also helpful and ready to help people any time.[译林牛津八(上)Unit1] 4.As a kid,he dreamed big dreams-then worked hard to make them come true.[2021] 5.What's more,I'm always ready to help others and good at working with people. 6.In a word,I'm outgoing and I'm willing to make friends with you. 7.Being outgoing and humorous,I can get along well with people around 2 ... ...

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