ID: 21105201

2025年人教版中考英语300 个动词短语&专项练习(无答案)

日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:13次 大小:29264B 来源:二一课件通
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300 个中考英语动词短语&专项练习 一、“动词 + about” think about 考虑 talk about 谈论 worry about 担心 care about 关心 know about 了解 hear about 听说 read about 读到 dream about 梦想 learn about 学习关于…… complain about 抱怨 二、“动词 + across” walk across 走过 run across 跑过 swim across 游过 drive across 驾车穿过 fly across 飞过 三、“动词 + after” look after 照顾 take after 与…… 相像 run after 追赶 go after 追求 name after 以…… 命名 四、“动词 + against” fight against 与…… 作斗争 protest against 抗议 guard against 防范 be against 反对 五、“动词 + at” look at 看 stare at 凝视 glance at 瞥一眼 point at 指向 laugh at 嘲笑 shout at 对…… 大喊 aim at 瞄准 arrive at 到达(小地点) knock at 敲 六、“动词 + away” go away 离开 run away 逃跑 take away 拿走 throw away 扔掉 put away 收拾好 give away 赠送 pass away 去世 fade away 逐渐消失 七、“动词 + back” come back 回来 go back 回去 bring back 带回 call back 回电话 pay back 偿还 look back 回顾 八、“动词 + down” sit down 坐下 lie down 躺下 put down 放下 write down 写下 take down 记下;拆除 cut down 砍倒 turn down 调小;拒绝 pull down 拆毁 slow down 减速 九、“动词 + for” look for 寻找 wait for 等待 ask for 请求;要求 pay for 付款 care for 关心;照顾 stand for 代表 leave for 前往 hope for 希望 prepare for 为…… 做准备 thank for 因…… 而感谢 十、“动词 + from” come from 来自 hear from 收到…… 的来信 learn from 向…… 学习 suffer from 遭受 differ from 与…… 不同 prevent from 阻止 十一、“动词 + in” take in 吸收;理解 hand in 上交 join in 参加 believe in 相信 result in 导致 fill in 填写 cut in 插嘴 arrive in 到达(大地点) check in 登记;报到 十二、“动词 + into” break into 闯入 change into 变成 divide into 把…… 分成 turn into 变成 look into 调查 put into 把…… 放入 十三、“动词 + off” take off 起飞;脱下 put off 推迟 turn off 关掉 show off 炫耀 set off 出发 get off 下车 cut off 切断 keep off 让开;不接近 十四、“动词 + on” put on 穿上;上演 turn on 打开 depend on 依靠 work on 从事 insist on 坚持 carry on 继续 spend...on 在…… 上花费 focus on 聚焦于 live on 以…… 为生 十五、“动词 + out” find out 找出;查明 work out 算出;解决 give out 分发;发出 run out 用完;耗尽 go out 出去 come out 出版;出来 put out 熄灭 look out 小心 sell out 卖完 十六、“动词 + over” think over 仔细考虑 go over 复习 look over 检查 come over 过来;顺便来访 十七、“动词 + through” go through 穿过;经历 look through 浏览 get through 通过;接通电话 十八、“动词 + to” listen to 听 belong to 属于 add to 增加 lead to 导致 stick to 坚持 refer to 提及;参考 reply to 回复 turn to 求助于 十九、“动词 + up” grow up 长大 give up 放弃 stay up 熬夜 wake up 醒来 pick up 捡起;接某人 make up 编造;组成 put up 张贴;搭建 hurry up 赶快 use up 用完 cheer up 使振奋 二十、“动词 + with” deal with 处理 help with 在…… 方面帮助 agree with 同意 connect with 与…… 连接 communicate with 与…… 交流 fight with 与…… 打架 be filled with 充满 be busy with 忙于 be covered with 被…… 覆盖。 英语动词短语专项练习 一、单项选 ... ...

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