
人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit3 Sports and Fitness Reading and Thinking 课件(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:23次 大小:5866906Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit3 Sports and Fitness Living Legends Overview 1. Leading in 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Speaking Activities 4. Vocabulary and Grammar Focus 5. Conclusion and Reflection 教学提示 1.本节课是关于人与自我,人与社会的主题内容。文本主题是某杂志社邀请读者推荐自己心目中的“体育界的活传奇”,并给出推荐理由。文本提供了活动的情景,要求学生在理解语篇信息的基础上,总结评选标准,旨在培养学生理性思考和客观评判的思维品质。 2.从题材上看,该文属于杂志文章,有明显的标题特征、结构特征和语言特征。 Leading in Qs: Who are your favorite sports player Why do you like him/her How do you understand the word “Living Legends” Who do you think can be called “Living Legends” and why Where can you find the text introduction illustration title body subtitles additional information A Magazine B Newspaper C Travel brochure Fifure of speech(Magazine) 标题:头韵(alliteration)、押韵(rhyme)、重复(repetition)、 比喻(simile and metaphor)、排比(parallelism) 如:“Living Legends"头韵 Air Jordan 比喻 语篇浓缩精炼: 排比结构 “As a player..., As a coach...., As a person.....” 生动形象 “ time seemed to stand still...” Reading comprehension Activity 1 Read the introduction and the additional imformation quickly and answer the questions: Q1 What’s the purpose of writing this article Q2 What are the requirements of choosing “living legends of sports” Q1 What’s the purpose of writing this article Help us choose some “Living Legends of Sports”. Send your suggestions for “Living Legends of Sports”. Q2 What are the requirements of choosing “living legends of sports” They must be athletes who are masters in their sports and also set good examples for others. Reading comprehension Activity 2 Read for detailed information about Lang Ping. Q1: What was the test for Lang Ping’s determination Q2: Was the challenge big Q3: What was Lang Ping’s solution for the challenge Q4: What was the result of the challenge Q5: What good qualities we could learn from the example of Lang Ping Q6: Which of the figures of speech is employed in this paragraph A. simile B. exaggeration C. Personification D. parallelism Q1: What was the test for Lang Ping’s determination The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart. Q2: Was the challenge big Yes, it was big. Q3: What was Lang Ping’s solution for the challenge Q4: What was the result of the challenge ...if they work together as a team They were world champions Q5: What good qualities we could learn from the example of Lang Ping Q6: Which of the figures of speech is employed in this paragraph A. simile B. exaggeration C. Personification D. parallelism Teamwork spirit and firm determination to face difficulties. Reading comprehension Activity 3 Read for detailed information about Michael Jordan. Q1 How does Michael Jordan become a master in sports Q2 What good examples does Michael Jordan set for others Q3 Which of the figures of speech is employed in this paragraph Work ... ...

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