
Unit 8 Lesson 45 Different Manners课件+音频(共21张PPT,含内嵌视频)冀教版九年级全册

日期:2024-09-13 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:92次 大小:56959218Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 8 Culture Shapes Us Lesson 45 Different Manners Dear …, I am so lucky to join in an exchange program this September. In the schedule, we will have lessons with you for one day, enjoy Chinese food and watch the local opera together. How are we different in manners What should I pay attention to Could you give me some tips Yours, Emma Activity One Compare different manners What can you learn about the writer from the picture and his introduction What may the text mainly be about 1 Skim for the main ideas 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 different manners different cultures general statement general conclusion specific examples Compare different manners Activity One “Your English is excellent!” China When someone is praised … be _____ be _____ and _____ “No, no. My English is still poor.” “Thank you.” tough confident modest 1 Manners in communication Manners change in different places. Canada 1 Manners in communication What is a virtue A virtue is a good quality or way of behaving. Being tough and confident. Can you name more virtues in China What may be good qualities in Canada 2 Manners of treating the elderly Avoid asking about an adult’s age. It is polite to offer a seat to the elderly. It is common to ask anyone’s age. An elderly may feel embarrassed about being offered a seat. or An adult’s age is private. 老吾老以及人之老 The elderly are respected and cared for in our society. China Canada 3 Manners in the restaurants When dining in restaurants When welcoming the guests When receiving service in public take turns to pay share the cost put food on their plates pass food to them seldom give extra money always leave a tip 1 2 3 4 5 6 Activity One Discussion In your opinion, what are good manners Compare different manners When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗 Manners change in different places. Manners change as time goes by. Activity One Retell different manners. Add more examples if you can. Compare different manners Activity Two values on virtue attitudes towards the elderly opinions on privacy cultural changes Compare cultural differences can be seen can not be seen Activity Two Compare the scenes and infer(推断) possible cultural differences. Compare cultural differences Activity Two Activity Two West East group individual (个人) ME WE Culture _____ manners. Compare cultural differences shapes different manners different cultures Activity Two How does Joe feel about the differences I have many good friends in Canada, though Canadian culture is different from Chinese culture. Though I have lived here for a long time, I still don’t feel Canadian. It’s interesting to experience two different cultures. He feels different from Canadians. a friendly living environment. interested to experience. Compare cultural differences Activity Two “ I think understanding cultural differences really helps us to understand each other, live together and work together.” Although there are c ... ...

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