
新概念第一册 Lesson127A famous actress 课件+音频(共37张PPT,含内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-13 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:14次 大小:30957486Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson127-128 A famous actress Index Vocabulary Text Grammar Warming up Warming up Group Discussion: What’s your favorite super star My favorite super star is _____. (1) famous adj. 著名的,出名的 常用搭配:be famous for因(某事、某特征)而闻名 be famous as作为(某身份)而闻名 e.g. 法国以其葡萄酒而闻名。 France _____. 马克吐温作为儿童故事作家而闻名。 Mark Twin_____ a children-story writer. Vocabulary is famous for its wine is famous as (2) actor n. 男演员 e.g. _____, he is no longer close to his old friends. 作为一个著名的男演员,他与老朋友的关系却越来越疏远。 构词法:某些实义动词在词尾加er或or构成名词,成为执行该动作的人。如: 加er:_____ 以e结尾,加r:_____ 双写最后一个辅音字母加er:_____ 加or:_____ As a famous actor waiter, teacher, worker dancer, lover, driver winner, swimmer, runner operator, sailor, visitor (3) actress n. 女演员 通常加er或or多为“男性”,加ess多为女性, 如: _____ 男服务员 _____ 女服务员 waitress waiter (4) read v. 通过阅读得知 (read - _____ - _____) e.g. _____ _____. 我在报纸上读到关于那个女演员的消息。 读者 _____ read read I read about the news of the actress in newspaper reader (5) at least 至少 e.g. It will take you _____ to get there. 到那里你至少要花20分钟。 至多 _____ at most at least 20 minutes Listen and repeat actor [' kt ] n.男演员 actress [' ktris] n. 女演员 at least 至少 famous ['feim s] a.著名的 read [ri:d] v.读,通过阅读得知 Game1: The first word, one S stands up and says the word, the second word, two Ss stand up and say the word, and so on.. Game2: Prepare a bag with a lot of maunders inside, choose one S picks up a piece of paper, check the number on it and let the S say the correct word. Game on! Text: A famous actress Q: Who is only twenty-nine, and why is it so unclear Learn and guess Liz Kate Conrad Reeves Karen Marsh Who is only twenty-nine, and why is it so unclear Read and answer Who is only twenty-nine, and why is it so unclear Liz Kate Conrad Reeves Karen Marsh Karen Marsh says she’s only twenty-nine. It’s so unclear because she looks old. Read and learn Look, read and answer Can Liz recognize that woman _____. What does Karen Marsh do _____. Yes, she can She’s an actress Look, read and answer Can Liz recognize that man _____. What does Conrad Reeves do _____. Yes, she can He’s an actor Look, read and answer Does Karen Marsh look young or old _____. How old does Liz think Karen Marsh must be _____. She looks old She thinks Karen Marsh must be at least forty Look, read and answer Was Karen Marsh famous when Liz was still at school _____. Has Liz come to the age of thirty _____. Yes, she was No, she hasn’t famous Fill in the blanks Fill in the blanks Translate Translate Translate Translate Role play About text (1) I thought so. 原形为I think so. so在这里是为了避免重复,意为“这样”、“如此”, 其否定式为_____.(我不这样认为) 类似用so的短句如:_____. 我希望如此。 I expect so. 我期待如此。 _____. 我这么告诉过你的。 I don’t thi ... ...

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