
安徽省马鞍山市2023~2024 学年高一下学期期末教学质量监测英语试题(图片版含答案,无听力音频含听力原文)

日期:2024-09-14 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:47次 大小:2341408Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Google Sites Creating a digital portfolio could not be any easier than Google Sites makes it.It lets students quickly put in content such as text,images,maps,and much more.Use one of the provided six themes,or create one,and then publish it as a public or private view site. Seesaw for Schools Designed for education,Seesaw for Schools provides a platform through which students complete and share school projects.By recording the process of gradually improving their schoolwork,kids have a sense of mastery and pride,so it is popular among them.Plus,parents can take part in it too-just download the Scesaw Family app. Artsonia Artsonia is like a dream which comes true for art-minded teachers and students:a free,safe, educational space through which students show their digital creativity.Friends and family can view, comment on,and buy objects showing artistic efforts.Celebrate your kids'artistic skills with Artsonia!The site also provides a complete teachers'guide. Edublogs One of the oldest and best-known web platforms for education,Edublogs makes it easy for teachers and students to start building a free WordPress platform.The free plan offers I GB of storage and class management munity participation (is another big plus for Edublogs 21.Why is Seesaw for Schools popular among kids A.It provides a teachers'guide B.It offers a range of themes. C.It has a large storage space. D.It tracks their gradual progress. 22.Which digital platform is the most suitable for art students A.Google Sites. B.Seesaw for Schools. C.Artsonia. D.Edublogs. 23.What is the main purpose of the passage A.To discuss the importance of digital products. B.To introduce some digital portfolio platforms. C.To show how to use digital portfolio platforms. D.To create different digital portfolio platforms. B Phan Thi Kim Chi's connection with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)began at an early age. Growing up in a small village in Vietnam,it was inconvenient for Phan to travel to hospitals in neighboring cities.Whenever she caught a cold or experienced a headache as a child,her family would seek the help of a local TCM practitioner.This led her to major in TCM at a traditional medical school in China.According to Phan,even though TCM has long been commonly practiced and accepted in Vietnam,finding a good school to learn TCM in Vietnam is not easy. As a foreign student,Phan finds the TCM basic theory course to be the most challenging one in the courses.Being widespread and far-reaching,TCM is deeply connected with Chinese philosophy.It requires years of learning and practice to truly understand the concepts of yin and yang,harmony between human and nature,and the five elements of wood,fire,earth,metal,and water.Sometimes she even translates the TCM vocabulary and scripts into Vietnamese so she can remember and understand them better. 高一英语试题第3项页共8页

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