
外研版(2019)必修第一册Unit 4 Friends forever Understanding ideas 课件(共18张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-18 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:54次 大小:33446277Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Book1 Unit4 Friends forever Almost 2 months Have you made 1 or 2 friends in the school How do you make friends How do you make friends Survey How do you prefer to make new friends Taking part in community activities Joining a club to meet people who share the same interests Using a social app Through other friends Posting a “ friends wanted” notice online Make friends offline Make friends online Survey How do you prefer to communicate with friends? Writing emails. Talking face to face. Writing letters. Using social networking apps. Telephoning each other. Visiting each other. communicate offline communicate online How do you communicate with each other CLICK FOR A FRIEND Pre-reading Answer the questions with the title and picture. Make friends online Can we click for a friend Why can we click for a friend Can we click for a true friend What should we do to click for a friend Why does the author use a question mark here What does the title mean 1. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the passage A. To prove that making friends was easier in the past. B. To illustrate how it is better to make friends online. C. To persuade people to abandon traditional ways of making friends. D. To discuss the advantages and disadvantages of making friends online. 2. What’s the genre体裁 of the passage A. Narration(记叙文) B. Exposition(说明文) C. Argumentation Fast reading Skim the passage and choose the best answer to each question. What is the structure Introduction Advantages Advantages Disadvantages Disadvantages Conclusion Structure of argumentation Topic Discussion Opinion 1. Can we click for a friend 2. Why can we click for a friend Part1. Read para 1. and answer the questions. moving to new town writing letters Careful reading Part2. Read Para2-3 and fill in the blanks. Can we click for a true friend maintain friendships share their interests Remember the saying: _____ Online friendship is real or not post only positive updates exchange true personal information the whole truth about a person Part2. Read Para 4-7 and complete the diagrams. On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog. Video On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog. What does the saying “On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog” mean Part2. Complete the diagrams with expressions from the passage. It' s difficult to know about true personal information on the Internet. Arguments giving examples: More persuasive scam Part3. Find out the author’s attitude towards clicking for a friend Quote: More persuasive. _____ _____ We shouldn’t throw the baby out with the bathwater _____ _____ We should treat them rationally and wisely. Attitude: _____ What should we do to click for a friend Neutral 中立的 Arguments We shouldn't get rid of the good and useful aspects while we try to abandon its negetive aspects. How to understand the expression “Throw the baby out with the bathwater” Do you know of any similar sayings in C ... ...

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