

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:97次 大小:13183890Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    重庆市荣昌中学高2025届高二下期第一次月考英语试题 1.(2024高二下·荣昌月考) What is the probable relationship between the speakers A.Mother and son. B.Husband and wife. C.Father and daughter. 2.(2024高二下·荣昌月考) What might the woman be good at A.Looking after kids. B.Taking care of elderly people. C.Teaching people how to find a job. 3.(2024高二下·荣昌月考) Which country does the man want to go to A.England. B.France. C.Brazil. 4.(2024高二下·荣昌月考) When is the project supposed to be finished A.At 12:00. B.At 11:00. C.Before 10:00. 5.(2024高二下·荣昌月考) What would the man like to do A.Return a ticket to the woman. B.Cancel his reservation. C.Buy a plane ticket. (2024高二下·荣昌月考) 听材料,回答问题。 6.Why will the speakers have a meeting A.To improve the project. B.To check a project. C.To confirm the design. 7.When will the speakers meet A.At 8:00, Friday. B.At 9:00, Friday. C.At 9:00, Tuesday. (2024高二下·荣昌月考) 听材料,回答问题。 8.Where does the woman live A.In Apartment 205. B.In Apartment 305. C.In Apartment 503. 9.Why does the woman call the man A.Her fridge doesn't work again. B.Her air conditioner is out of order. C.She doesn't know how to cook. (2024高二下·荣昌月考) 听材料,回答问题。 10.What was wrong with the woman's car A.It was on fire. B.It gave out a terrible noise. C.Its engine smoked. 11.Where is the woman A.In a car park. B.In a garage. C.On the road. 12.What does the man ask the woman to do A.Hire a car. B.Drive a truck. C.Ring her friend. (2024高二下·荣昌月考) 听材料,回答问题。 13.What does the woman plan to work as this summer A.A volunteer. B.A nurse. C.A doctor. 14.Who had medical examinations from July 15 to July 31 last year A.The elderly over 55. B.The adults over 30. C.The children under 5. 15.What does the woman say about the work A.Everyone has to be always polite. B.Everyone has to arrive early. C.None has much time to rest. 16.What does the woman advise the man to wear A.Comfortable shoes. B.Light clothes. C.Loose trousers. (2024高二下·荣昌月考) 听材料,回答问题。 17.How many levels of courses does the program offer A.Seven. B.Eight. C.Twelve. 18.What is the strength of the program A.It can meet personal needs. B.It provides courses on US culture. C.It is available throughout the year. 19.What can students get if they perform well in an end-of-session test A.A course for free. B.A promotion to a higher level. C.A chance to work part-time. 20.What does the Language Center Bonus Project provide A.Field trips. B.Social activities. C.Extra practice hours. (2024高二下·荣昌月考) 阅读理解 Cultural Websites Ancient Greece This is a guide with rich information and pictures to Ancient Greece, covering art, architecture, politics, Olympics, geography, history and other topics. The photo gallery with bird's-eye images of Greek art is of note. Contents include maps, biographies and related links, though li ... ...

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