
上外版(2020)选择性必修第二册 Unit 3 Charity:Writing课件(共12张PPT)+学案+教学设计

日期:2024-09-14 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:60次 大小:750067Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    上外版 高二年级 选择必修二 第三单元 第 7 课时 学案(学生版) Language appreciation of Reading B You are expected to explore the writing skills employed by the narrator of Reading B with the help of this worksheet. Please fill in the table with the help of the three following guided questions. 1. What writing skills impressed you most in Reading B 口 Simile 口 personification 口 contrast 口specific adjectives 口verbs indicating emotions 2. Can you cite an example of the writing skill 3. Read your examples aloud for at least twice and try to have a taste of its effect. Writing skills Example Effect(课件网) 《 高 中 英 语 》 ( 上 外 版 ) 选择性必修第二册第三单元 Charity 授课教师 : 课时 授课内容 1 Getting Started/ Reading A 1 Reading A/ Vocabulary Focus 1 Reading A/ Grammar in Use 1.5 Listening, Viewing and Speaking 1 Reading B 0.5 Critical Thinking 1 Writing 1 Further Exploration/ Self-assessment 《 高 中 英 语 》 ( 上 外 版 ) 选择性必修第二册第三单元 学习目标 Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, you will be able to ... 1. 能通过学习Reading B中生动的表达指出并分析记叙文的常见写作技巧; identify and analyze some writing skills to vivify the language of a narrative by studying some vivid expressions from Reading B; 2. 能通过修改同伴作品准确运用这些写作技巧来表达情感; apply these writing skills to practice by revising a peer ’s narrative in groups; 3. 能培养用英语记录和分享身边善举的习惯。 cultivate an awareness of narrative writing and sharing their personal experiences of helping others in English. A B Why What writing skills impress you most Language appreciation Give an example. simile her face like a fire· to indicate the warmth the lady personification A fierce wind s pits in your face· to indicate the narrator's anny ance contrast ..repeat the order perfectly only to be greeted with a harsh "That,s not what l want!" to indicate the narrator's frustration specific adjectives customers arrived annoyed and stressed, only to leave humbled and calm · to give readers a vivid picture of thecustomers, changeof feelings verbs glared at my supervisor to indicate the narrator's Directions Do you have any experience of helping others by doing charity work or some other good deeds Whether your story is big or small, we are willing to hear it. Please write your story in 120-150 words and send it to The Newspaper Club. Writing task 2. Interview the author 1. Read the story 3. Revise the body part in groups Group revising they became more im atient hesitated noticed an old couple on my way to ... in Qibao old town they found the way and thanked me Interview p We replaced ... with ..., because ... We added...before/after..., because ... We crossed out..., because... patterns Group presentation 1 2 3 be ready to help others and share your stories to influence more people How to write a good narrative of helping others a good story = true feelings + writing strategies A B Revise your first dra ... ...

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