

日期:2024-09-15 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:82次 大小:44160977Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Enjoy a song Trouble Problems Students help students Solutions 相关课文 Book 8(下) Unit 1 What’s the matter Book 8(下) Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents Book 9 Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Book 9 Unit 11 Sad movies make me Book 7(下) Unit4 Don’t eat in class. Book 8(上) Unit10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time! Lead-in 01 04 06 Goal What will you learn today Input Output Reading 05 03 Listening 02 Wisely Happily Thinking Talking Writing health relationship rules personality study others … Please listen and check what Judy worries about. Let’s listen. Are you a big worrier or worry- free How to join Drift Bottle (漂流瓶 ) Program 1. Write down your problem(s) on a piece of paper. 2. Put this piece of paper into the Drift Bottle. 3. Each of you picks one of them and tries to solve the problem by yourself. 4. Write down your advice and put the piece of paper back. Let’s read Are you a big worrier or worry free I can’t.... I argued .... problems rules ….. study health relationship emotions Let’s write. How to join Drift Bottle (漂流瓶 ) program 1. Write down your problem(s) on a piece of paper. 2. Put this piece of paper into the Drift Bottle. 3. Each of you picks one of them and tries to solve the problem by yourself. 4. Write down your suggestions and put the piece of paper back. 学习策略:使用bubble map描述可能发生的情况 with friends with parents with others Problems relationship Let’s think My parents _____. I_____. (与朋友吵架) argued with my friends My sister _____. relationship don’t understand me give me a lot of pressure about school argued with my parents bully(欺凌) Let’s think. others 学习策略:使用bubble map描述可能发生的情况 Problems Let’s think study with homwork with exams with lessons others 学习策略:使用bubble map描述可能发生的情况 Problems Rules choose my own clothes play computer games talk in class Health catch a cold have a fever have a toothache Emotions negative careless get angry easily lonely Study Relationship Let’s think. Study How to join Drift Bottle (漂流瓶 ) program 1. Write down your problem(s) on a piece of paper. 2.Put this piece of paper into the Drift Bottle. 3. Each of you picks one of them and tries to solve the problem by yourself. 4. Write down your advice and put the piece of paper back. Let’s think. go to his house give him a hug write him a letter take him to the ball game call him up relationship … Useful expressions: You’d better _____. write him a letter (写封信给他) buy him a present I am in dark mood. I argued with my best friend. Let’s talk. 1)Why not\Why don't you_____. 2)It’s a good way \idea to _____. 3)It's helpful to _____. 4) You could/should... I am not good at math. I failed the exam. Why don’t you _____ _____ ask your teacher for help (向你的老师寻求帮助) ask your classmates for help study as much as you can manage time =cherish your time (珍 ... ...

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