
外研版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 1 Knowing Me, Knowing You Developing ideas课件(共43张PPT)

日期:2024-09-23 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:27次 大小:34946693Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Knowing me, knowing you little White lies Activity 1. What would you say if you were student B A B happy/ cheerful...... unhappy/ worried...... mixed mood Oh, terribly sorry to hear that. I did no better than you. Come on. Actually you did well. I did worse than you. Well, I did just so-so. Oh, terribly sorry to hear that. I did well in this exam. Maybe I can help you. tell lies tell the truth Activity 2 Read and answer. 1. What’s the meaning of “white lies” 2. Why do people tell white lies 3. What’s the conclusion Activity 2 White lies are little lies that we tell to protect others from the truth. 1. What’s the meaning of “white lies” 2. Why do people tell white lies To make others feel better; To give encouragement; To protect others from bad news. Divide the passage into three parts. Activity 3. Introduction Main body Conclusion Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 para 1 -4 para 5-7 para 8 Read the introduction part and answer the answers. Activity 3. Q1: Why does the author use the quotation(引用) of Scottish poetry show the authority attract readers’ interest introduce the topic Oh, what a tangled(复杂的) web we weave, when first we practise to deceive(欺骗)! ———Walter Scott lies Once a lie begins, it is necessary to use countless lies to make up for it , which is hard to stop. The quote is from Scott’s epic poem, Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field. Read the introduction part and answer the answers. Activity 3. What’s the function of the examples in Para. 3 & Para. 4 Read Para.5-8 and complete the diagram. Activity 4. Reason 1 To make others _____. Example(s) Someone’s cooking _____ _____ _____. Someone’s haircut _____. Analysis Perhaps we lie to protect ourselves _____ _____. feel better a meal for us that we don’t like. The majority of us don’t tell the truth — we lie and say that the food is “delicious” is awful, but we say “It’s great!” from the disappointment and anger of others Read Para.5-8 and complete the diagram. Activity 4. Reason 2 _____. Example(s) _____ _____ Analysis Perhaps your friend wants _____. Perhaps they need to know _____. Read Para.5-8 and complete the diagram. Activity 4. You say your friend’s singing is wonderful, despite secretly thinking that your cat can sing better. some frank comments from you so that they can improve that they should look for a different hobby To give encouragement Reason 3 _____. Example(s) _____ _____. Analysis Perhaps your parents _____. Read Para.5-8 and complete the diagram. Activity 4. To protect others from bad news You’ve had a bad day, but you hide your tears and lie to your parents that your day was “fine” would want to listen to you and understand your feelings Conclusion Even white lies may have results we cannot predict. So _____ _____. Read Para 8. and complete the diagram. Activity 4. we should not tell lies even if they are white lies. Honesty is an important value and lying is wrong Q1: What is a ... ...

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