

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:28次 大小:391069Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2021-2024高考真题(非谓语动词) 2024年高考真题 1(. 2024年新高考 I卷)These sepals open on warm days _____ (give) the inside plants sunshine and fresh air. 2(. 2024年新高考 II卷)Those cultural elements have increased Stratford’s international visibility, said Edmondson, adding that visitors walking through the Birthplace Garden were often amazed _____ (find)the connection between the two great writers. 3(. 2024年浙江卷 1月)However, if you’re shopping for one, buying extra _____ (benefit) from price reductions doesn’t make sense. 4.(2024年全国甲卷)Although parks of all sizes and types exist at any level the national parks, in particular, tend _____(catch)our attention because of their large size and variety. 5.(2024年新高考 I卷)The latest _____ (engineer) techniques are applied to create this protective functional structure that is also beautiful. 6.(2024 年新高考 II卷)_____ (recall)watching a Chinese opera version of Shakespeare’s play Richard III in Shanghai and meeting Chinese actors who came to Stratford a few years ago to perform parts of The Peony Pavilion, Edmondson said, “It was very exciting to hear the Chinese language and see how Tang’s play was being performed.” 7(. 2024年新高考 I卷) In cold weather, the structure stays _____ (close) to protect the plants. 8.(2024年新高考 II卷)Two years later, a six-meter-tall pavilion, _____ (inspire)by The Peony Pavilion, was built at the Firs Garden, just ten minutes’ walk from Shakespeare’s birthplace. 9(. 2024年浙江卷 1月)Over the last two years, some supermarkets have started selling chicken or salad in packs _____ (design) with two halves containing separate portions (份). 2023年高考真题 1(. 2023新高考 I卷)To eat one, you have to decide whether (bite) a small hole in it first, releasing the stream and risking a spill (溢出), or to put the whole dumpling in your mouth, letting the hot soup explode on your tongue. 2(. 2023新高考 I卷)Shanghai may be the 39 (recognize) home of the soup dumplings but food historians will actually point you to the neighboring canal town of Nanxiang as Xiao long hao’s birthplace. 3(. 2023新高考 I卷)Nanxiang aside, the best Xiao long bao have a fine skin, allowing them 41 (lift) out of the steamer basket without allowing them tearing or spilling any of their contents. 4.(2023 新高考 I 卷)No matter where I buy them, one steamer is rarely enough, yet two seems greedy, so I am always left 45 (want) more next time. 5.(2023新高考 II卷)They talk to the flood of international tourists and to 40 (visit) Chinese zookeepers who often come to check on the pandas, which are on loan from China. 6.(2023全国甲卷)For thousands of years, people have told fables (寓言) 61 (teach) a lesson or to pass on wisdom. 7.(2023全国甲卷)“There was once a town in the heart of America, where all life seemed to enjoy peaceful existence with is surroundings,” her fable begins, (borrow) some familiar words from many age-old fables. 8.(2023全国甲卷)Behind the ... ...

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