
人教版(2019)必修 第一册 Welcome unit每周一测(含答案)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:76次 大小:18056Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第一周 Welcome unit———高一英语人教版(2019)必修第一册每周一测 一、翻译题 1.检查看看你是否拼写正确. Check to see if you _____. 2.只有贫穷是可以不劳而获的。 _____ pains but poverty. 3.我很想知道他说了些什么。 I'm _____ what he said. 4.加入我们俱乐部,你可以常常听科学讲座。 Join our club, and you can _____ quite often. 5.通过加入志愿者社团,你可以享受到帮助他人的乐趣。 You can enjoy the pleasure of helping others by _____. 6.我担心没有你们的陪伴我会感到孤独。 I'm afraid I will _____ without your accompany. 7.比利内心充满了感激,但是找不到合适的同去表达。 Billy was filled with thanks, but he couldn't find any _____. 8.想得太多使他很难集中精力学习。 Thinking too much makes it difficult for him to _____ study. 9.她的邻居经常在夜晚陪她做伴。 Her neighbours often _____ in the evenings. 10.詹姆斯正在为学校的音乐会忙着。 James _____. 二、阅读理解 When I was ten, my family moved to the other side of town. I was forced to leave the familiarity with The St. Paul's Schools and became "the new kid” at another school—a one-hallway school with no gym, where the other kids in my class had been together since kindergarten. I struggled to break into the crowd and spent lunchtime playing alone. One school day, when I headed to the kitchen table, I heard the radio, "It's a sad day in the music world. Mr Roy Orbison has died. " "Oh no, how sad! Roy Orbison has died. Wait... Who is Roy Orbison " I thought. I didn't have a chance to ask. I had to get to the classroom before the bell. It was Mr Hutchison's class. Every day, he would ask if there was anyone we wanted to pray for. That day, Johnny prayed for his sick grandfather, and Emily prayed for her grandmother who had surgery. This was my chance! Before I had time to fully think it through, my hand shot into the air. "I'd like to pray for Roy Orbison!" Silence fell over the room. The other kids looked confused, but Mr Hutchison could see the eagerness in my eyes. No one else had ever been so excited to pray for anyone in his class. "OK, Roy Orbison has been added to the prayer list," he winked(眨眼示意).I did it! This must be another way we kids make new friends: you just pray for someone. I had never met Roy Orbison, and nor had I had his album. But because of Roy, a little girl named Christine came up to me and said, "I'm really sorry for you loss. If you're not busy with the funeral (葬礼), maybe you can come over and play after school." Thanks to Roy and Christine, I wasn't lonely any more. 11.Why did I pray for Roy Orbison A. I was a true fan of him. B. I felt sorry for his death. C. I needed a reason to be noticed. D. I wanted to impress Mr Hutchison. 12.What happened after I prayed for Roy Orbison A. The whole class felt sad as I did. B. I made new friends at the new school. C. Christine offered to enjoy Roy's music with me. D. Mr Hutchison tuned a blind eye to my prayer. 13.What is the tone of the text A. Humorous. B. Serious. C. Ironic. D. Critical. 14.Which of the following can best describe the text A ... ...

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