
2025届高三英语二轮专项复习 语法填空核心技能-谓语和非谓语 课件(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:16次 大小:1444864Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 语法填空 核心技能 谓语、非谓语,傻傻分得清 有 提 示 词 考点 无 提 示 词 考点 冠词 口泛指 □特指 名词 √ 单复数 √ 所有格 代词 □人称代词 口物主代词 □反身代词 □it 动词 口谓语 □非谓语 介词 □小恶魔 形/副 √ 比较级 → √ 最高级— 连词 □并列连词 □从属连词 H → 不清楚 不记得别问我 不知道不了解不熟悉 一个直击灵魂的问题 谓语 · 时态、语态、主谓 一致 非谓语 · 形式、句法功能 谓 语 & 非 谓 语 谓 语 & 非 谓 语 谓 语 & 非 谓 语 眼睛瞪得像铜铪 射出闪电般地机灵 ■ All of us laughed! 主谓 ■ I miss my grandma 主谓宾 ■ The teacher was kind and friendly. 主系表 ■ He told us a funny story. 主谓双宾 ■ I found most of my classmates friendly and helpful. 主谓宾宾补 ■ He talked too much. 主谓状 ■ I had my first maths class at senior high school. 主谓宾状 ■There's a lot to explore at senior high. There be句型 没有谓语是万万不行滴! 八大基本句型 Linda smiles. Linda is pretty. Linda should be really pretty. I don't know either. 实义动词 系动词 情态动词+动词原形 助动词+动词原形 什么是谓语 Linda is laughing. Linda was shy. Linda could speak English We didn't know. 交代动词发生的时间和状态 谓语:放映时态 well. very 时与态 般 进行 完成 完成进行 现在 be/do/does be doing has/have done has/have been doing 过去 was/were/did was/were doing had done had been doing 将来 will be/do will be doing will have done will have been doing 过去将来 would be/do would be doing would have done would have been doing 时态 一 览 be doing have done have been doing 调料 be doing has/have done have been doing 原料 be/do was/were/did 情态动词、助动词 Boom! 16种 时态 谓语长啥样 一个简单句有且仅有一个谓语动词 I want to be the empress ! 什么是非谓语 一般式 完成式 进行式 不定式 to do to have done to be doing 被动 to be done to have been done 动名词/现在分词 doing having done 被动 being done having been done 过去分词 done 非谓语一览 have done be doing be done 调料 ■ have done ■ be doing ■ be done Boom! 16种 时态 原料 □ to do □ doing □ done 非谓语长啥样 时与态 一般 进行 完成 完成进行 现在 be/do/does be doing has/have done has/have been doing 过去 was/were/did was/were doing had done had been doing 将来 一般式 完成式 进行式 不定式 被动 动名词/现在分词 被动 过去分词 to do to have done to be doing 过去将来 to be done to have been done doing having done being done having been done done 谓语非谓语,傻傻分得清 01 有! 02 木有! 谓语和非谓语有长一样的吗 谓语:是谁的眼神锁定我 This establishment,which for years was protected by the local council,was finally closed down following a damning report by a veterinary inspector appointed under terms of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981. 找到介词画括号,画到名词/名词短语后! 谓语:是谁的眼神锁定我 ① This establishment,which for years was protected by the local council, ② ③ was finally closed down following a damning report by a veterinary inspector appointed (委任)under terms of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981. ④ 的眼神锁定 Thanks for listening ... ...

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