
唱40篇短文记3500单词(第3辑)23 An Air Crash歌词+词汇表+构词法+词源学+朗读+演唱(视频+音频)

日期:2024-09-15 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:82次 大小:104107017Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    23 An Air Crash 23 飞机失事 I was a previous typist in a post office. 我以前是一家邮局的打字员。 Because I couldn’t tolerate typing any more postage bills or postcodes on a typewriter every day, I resigned. 因为无法忍受每天在打字机上打邮资账单或邮政编码,我辞了职。 With a greedy motivation of making big money, I took up working as a business representative for the G.E Ecology Company, 带着想挣大钱的贪婪动机,我开始给一家叫 G.E 生态公司的企业当商务代表, which produced goods by recycling useful materials from our dustbins. 这家公司通过回收我们垃圾箱里的有用材料生产商品。 My new job left me good impressions in many aspects except that the working timetable was full of traveling by jets. 我的新工作在很多方面都给了我很好的印象,除了一点:乘飞机旅行挤满了我的工作时间表。 Once, when speeding up, our jet was swallowed by a thunderstorm, which destroyed our GPS receiver and made us lose sight of the directions. 有一次,我们的喷气飞机在加速时被一场雷暴吞没,这不仅损坏了我们的 GPS 信号接收器, 还使我们看不见方向。 A constantly flashing light showed that our jet was in danger. 一盏持续闪亮的灯说明我们的飞机正处在危险中。 A steward instantly asked us to put on masks and fasten the safety belts, and then pressed a button to switch on the escaping capsule. 一名乘务员立刻让我们戴上面罩、系牢安全带,接着按下一枚按钮打开逃生仓电源。 It slid sideways out of the opening at once and landed in a desert area safely. 逃生仓马上侧着滑出出口,安全降落在一片荒凉的地区。 Lacking food and tablets, we were nervous and uncertain at first. 因为缺少食品和药品,我们一开始都又紧张又心里没底, But we all kept optimistic and made good adjustment to the situation. 但是我们都保持乐观,做好调整适应这一新情况。 We swept up the surrounding mud to make our settlement and were back on our feet soon. 我们打扫干净周围的泥土,安顿下来,很快就恢复过来。 Finally, guided by the smoke of our crashing jet, some local citizens came by carriages and saved us. 最后,在我们坠机烟雾的指引下,一些当地的市民搭乘马车到来,我们都获救了。 Vocabulary 词汇表 (1) previous / pri vi s/ - 以前的 (7) typewriter / ta p ra t r/ - 打字机 (2) typist / ta p st/ - 打字员 (8) greedy / ɡri di/ - 贪婪的 (3) tolerate / t l re t/ - 容忍 (9) motivation / m t ve n/ - 动机,动力 (4) postage / p st d / - 邮费 (10) take up doing - 开始做某事 (5) postage / p st d / - 邮资 (11) representative / repr zent t v/ - 代表 (6) postcode / p stk d/ - 邮政编码 (12) ecology / k l d i/ - 生态学 10 (13) goods /ɡ dz/ - 商品 (35) capsule / k psju l/ - 胶囊,密封舱 (14) recycle /ri sa kl/ - 回收利用 (36) slide /sla d/ - 滑动,幻灯片 (15) material /m t ri l/ - 材料,原料 (37) sideways / sa d we z/ - 侧面地,横向地 (16) dustbin / d stb n/ - 垃圾箱 (38) opening / p n / - 开口,开端 (17) impression / m pr n/ - 印象 (39) desert / dez t/ - 沙漠 (18) aspect / sp kt/ - 方面 (40) lack /l k/ - 缺乏,不足 (19) timetable / ta m te b l/ - 时间表,时刻表 (41) tablet / t bl t/ - 药片,片剂 (20) jet /d t/ - 喷气式飞机 (42) uncertain / n s t n/ - 不确定的 (21) ... ...

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