
唱40篇短文记3500单词(第3辑)28 Let’s Help Adolescents歌词+词汇表+构词法+词源学+朗读+演唱(视频+音频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:54次 大小:116281620Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    28 Let’s Help Adolescents 28 帮助青少年 Whether they are male or female, adolescents feel like deciding on everything themselves in spite of parents’ instruction, 不论男女,青少年们都喜欢自己对一切作决定,不顾家长的指导, especially when they face problems like sadness, mental stress, etc., 特别是当他们面对如伤心、心理压力等等 which make them feel ashamed and embarrassed. 这些事情使他们感到羞愧和尴尬。 Thus they often automatically get into troubles due to their imperfect comprehension and judgement. 因此,他们常常会无意识地陷入困境中,原因是他们理解力和判断力的不足。 Some are addicted to cigarettes, only several packets of which will hurt their lungs and make them breathless quickly. 有的对香烟上瘾,只要几包就会对他们的肺造成损害,使他们很容易就气喘吁吁; Others can’t quit drinking alcohol, whose harmful effects include causing young pregnant women to abort or give birth to abnormal babies. 有的没法戒除酒精,由此带来的不良后果包括造成年轻的怀孕女性流产或生下不正常的婴 儿。 The worst is drug abuse, for the withdrawal is tough once their bodies are accustomed to the drugs. 最糟糕的是滥用毒品,因为一旦他们的身体对毒品习惯了,要想戒毒就相当困难了。 Meanwhile, those who share needles bought from illegal chemists are at great risk of being infected with desperate AIDS. 同时,那些共用从非法药剂师处购买的注射器的青少年冒着感染令人绝望的艾滋病的极大风 险。 If so, neither injecting nor taking pills can guarantee their survival. 一旦感染上,不管是打针还是吃药都没法保证他们的生存了。 However, don’t be disappointed at or have prejudice against our children so easily. 然而,请不要轻易就对我们的孩子失望或抱有偏见。 After all, being awkward is an appendix of youth. 毕竟,不成熟是年轻的必然附属品。 As long as we strengthen communication with them instead of only banning this or banning that, we will surely help them avoid anything unfit. 只要我们加强和他们的沟通,而不是仅仅禁止这样,不准那样,我们一定能帮助他们避开不 健康的东西。 23 Vocabulary 词汇表 (1) male /me l/ 男性 (23) pregnant / pr ɡn nt/ 怀孕的 (2) female / fi me l/ 女性 (24) abort / b rt/ 流产 (3) adolescent / d lesnt/ 青少年 (25) abnormal / b n m l/ 异常的 (4) feel like doing 想要做某事 (26) abuse / bju s/ 滥用 (5) decide on 决定 (27) withdrawal /w dr l/ 戒断 (6) in spite of 尽管 (28) tough /t f/ 艰难的 (7) mental stress 精神压力 (29) be accustomed to 习惯于 (8) etc. / t s t r / 等等 (30) needle / ni dl/ 针 (9) ashamed / e md/ 感到羞愧的 (31) illegal / li ɡ l/ 非法的 (10) embarrassed / m b r st/ 尴尬的 (32) chemist / k m st/ 药剂师 (11) automatically / t m t kli/ 自动地 (33) at risk of doing 冒...的风险 (12) get into troubles 陷入困境 (34) desperate / d sp r t/ 绝望的 (13) due to 由于 (35) inject / n d kt/ 注射 (14) comprehension / k mpr hen n/ 理解力 (36) pill /p l/ 药丸 (15) judgement / d d m nt/ 判断力 (37) survival /s va v l/ 生存 (16) be addicted to 对...上瘾 (38) disappointed /d s p nt d/ 失望的 (17) packet / p k t/ 包裹 (39) prejudice / pr d d s/ 偏见 (18) lung /l / 肺 (40) awkward / kw d ... ...

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