
唱40篇短文记3500单词(第4辑)34 Helping the Remote Village歌词+词汇表+构词法+词源学+朗读+演唱(视频+音频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:21次 大小:113346717Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    34 Helping the Remote Village 34 援助偏远山村 A year ago, the famous astronaut received an invitation by airmail from a remote village. 一年前,那位著名的宇航员收到一份由一个偏远村庄通过航空邮件寄来的邀请。 Intending to sniff some fresh air, he and his interpreter paid a fortnight visit there. 因为想要呼吸一下新鲜空气,他和他的口译员到那儿做了一次两周的访问。 It was a privilege for them to be there, but they were shocked by what they saw. 当地之行使他们倍感荣幸,但却震惊于所见所闻。 The tracks were muddy. The river was drying up. 道路泥泞。河流日渐干枯。 Most villagers only possessed one broom, a few tins and several jars and their rectangular grass huts with round angles were surrounded by weeds. 多数村民拥有的财产只不过是一只扫帚、几个瓶瓶罐罐而已,他们的圆角矩形草屋四周长满 了杂草。 Besides, their school had no roof and platform, and the students had no concept of clicking a computer at all. 此外,他们的学校也没有屋顶和讲台,学生们更对点击操作电脑毫无概念。 They were badly in need. 他们生活确实相当困难。 Soon, the astronaut made a generous voluntary donation to the village. 很快,这位宇航员就向村庄做了慷慨的自愿捐赠。 There were textbooks for students, sewing machines for tailors and tractors for farmers. 捐赠品中有给学生的课本,给裁缝的缝纫机,还有给农民的拖拉机。 His distribution catalogue also included operating a clinic and a trunk library, as well as giving weekly lessons to teach relevant farming knowledge like how to dry out seeds or raise oxen. 捐赠金的分配目录中还包括运营一间诊所和一间书箱图书馆,还有每周开课教授相关的农业 知识,比如如何晾干种子或养牛。 He himself not only helped do some paperwork but also purchased grills for boys to toast potatoes and combs for girls who were dying to get one. 他自己不仅亲自帮助做一些文书工作,还购买了烤架给男孩们烤土豆,买了梳子给渴望已久 的女孩们。 The other day, he heard from the villagers again inviting him to participate in the donation anniversary. 前几天,他又收到了村民们邀请他参加捐赠周年会的来信。 For political and security reasons, he couldn’t adjust his outgoing arrangement, otherwise he would go. 出于 zheng 治和安全原因,他无法调整外出时间安排,否则他就会去了。 But his deeds were remembered forever. 不过他的事迹受到永远铭记。 11 Vocabulary 词汇表 1) astronaut / str n t/ 宇航员 26) tractor / tr kt r/ 拖拉机 2) airmail / me l/ 航空邮件 27) distribution / d str bju n/ 分配 3) remote /r mo t/ 遥远的 28) catalogue / k t l ɡ/ 目录 4) sniff /sn f/ 嗅 29) operate / ɑ p re t/ 操作 5) interpreter / n t rpr t r/ 口译员 30) clinic / kl n k/ 诊所 6) fortnight / f rtna t/ 两周 31) trunk /tr k/ 树干,旅行箱 7) privilege / pr v l d / 特权 32) weekly / wikli/ 每周的 8) muddy / m di/ 泥泞的 33) relevant / r l v nt/ 相关的 9) dry up 干涸 34) dry out 变干 10) broom /brum/ 扫帚 35) seed /si d/ 种子 11) tin /t n/ 锡 36) oxen / ɑ ks n/ 公牛 12) jar /d ɑ r/ 罐子 37) paperwork / p r w rk/ 文书工作 13) rectangular /r k t ɡj l r/ 矩形的 38) purchase / p rt s/ 购买 14) angle / ɡ l/ 角度 39) grill /ɡr l/ 烤 ... ...

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