
唱40篇短文记3500单词(第4辑)37 Be Careful about Cloning歌词+词汇表+构词法+词源学+朗读+演唱(视频+音频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:55次 大小:116830275Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    37 Be Careful about Cloning 37 谨慎对待克隆 After a series of initial experiments and corrections, the scientist’s hard work paid off 在最初一系列的实验和修正之后,科学家的辛苦工作终于有了回报 when the twin clone turkeys were hatched with normal feather and claws. 此刻一对双生的克隆火鸡被孵化出来,羽毛和爪子都很正常。 This breakthrough possibly enabled people to bring their adored pets back to life. 这一突破或许能让人们使他们喜爱的宠物复活。 However, it bothered him from time to time that their health was in poor condition because they were unable to resist illnesses. 然而,使他不时倍感困扰的是它们的健康状况极差,因为它们无法抵抗疾病。 This drawback cast him down. 这个缺点让他很沮丧。 Merely 2 weeks later, the clones and their carrier died, which struck frustration into his heart. 仅仅过了 2 个星期,克隆体和母体都死了,这使他内心充满了挫败感。 He retired before he attained his ambition and became a member of an opera chorus to relieve his depression. 他也因此退休,没来得及实现自己的志向,然后他加入歌剧合唱团来减轻抑郁。 Shortly afterwards, the media published a conservative argument objecting to cloning owing to moral problems, 之后不久,媒体就发表了反对克隆的保守论点,原因是涉及道德问题, and suggested the constitution include compulsory regulations to forbid obtaining commercial profits from cloning. 并且建议宪 fa 应该纳入强制性的法规禁止通过克隆获得商业利益。 When interviewed, the scientist stared at the decorations on the ceiling, thinking for a while, and then said, 在接受采访时,这名科学家盯着天花板上的装饰物,思考了一会儿,然后说道: “I’m not in favor of any arbitrary assumption, but undertaking cloning does differ from the straightforward procedure of making loafs out of flour. “我不喜欢随意进行假设,但是从事克隆与用面粉制作面包的简单过程确实不大相同。 Until we accumulate enough exact knowledge, any practice is in vain and is bound to fail. 在我们积累了足够的准确知识前,任何实践都是徒劳无功的,注定会失败。 Altogether, being more careful is reasonable or we may walk into a side road.” 总而言之,更加谨慎地对待克隆是合理的,否则我们或许会误入歧途。” Vocabulary 词汇表 1) initial / n l/ 初始的,首要的 8) claw /kl / 爪子 2) correction /k r k n/ 更正,矫正 9) breakthrough / bre kθru / 突破,重大进展 3) pay off 收获成功,获得回报 10) adore / d r/ 崇拜,爱慕 4) twin /tw n/ 双胞胎,成对的 11) bother / b r/ 打扰,烦恼 5) turkey / t rki/ 火鸡 12) from time to time 不时地,偶尔 6) hatch /h t / 孵化,舱口 13) in poor condition 状况不佳 7) feather / f r/ 羽毛 14) be unable to 无法 20 15) resist /r z st/ 抵抗,忍住 34) regulation / r ɡj le n/ 规定,规则 16) drawback / dr b k/ 缺点,不利条件 35) forbid /f b d/ 禁止,不准 17) cast sb. down 使某人沮丧 36) obtain / b te n/ 获得,得到 18) merely / m li/ 仅仅,只不过 37) commercial /k m l/ 商业的,商务的 19) carrier / k r r/ 运载工具,搬运工 38) decoration / d k re n/ 装饰,装饰品 20) strike sth. into one’s heart 深深触动某人 39) in favor of 赞同,支持 的内心 40) arbitrary / ɑ b tr ri/ 任意的,武断的 ... ...

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