

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:45次 大小:502103Byte 来源:二一课件通
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五什六年级分班考试英语试题 一、 选出下列每组中画线部分发音不同的单词。(10分) ( )1、A、what B、who C、well ')2、A、English B、song C、morning ( )3、A、clock B、please C、plant )4、A、fish B、lunch C、teacher ( )5、A、mother B、thin C、that 二、看图片,结合首字母提示写单词。(8分) 2 3. F999 十月 二月 三、单项选择。(12分) ( )l、March is the month of a year. A、first B、second C、third )2.I usually go shopping my mum on Saturdays. A、toB、with C、for ()3.This is my cat.The cat is 'A、yours B、mine C、my )4、 'season do you like best A、Why B、Which C、When )5、-Are you reading a book -」 A、Yes,Iam B、Yes,Ican C、Yes,Ido )6、 do you like summer -Because I can eat ice cream. A、hy B、What C、How 0000000 四、读问句,选答句。(10分) ()1.When is your birthday ()2.What do you usually do in the morning ()3、Whose cat is it ()4、When do you finish class ()5、What is she doing' A.I usually do morning exercises in the morning. B、It's Li Peng's. C.She is taking a dancing class. D、Usually at5:00p.m. E、It's on June23rd, 五、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分) My name is Coco,I'm from Spain.I usually get up at 6:00.I always do homework on the weekend.I like spring best.It's windy and warm.And I like winter,too.Because my birthday is in November.I can play in the snow.Now my father is reading a book.My mother is watching TV.My sister is eating ice cream.What am I doing I'm listening to music.We're happy. ()1、1 usually get up at8:00. ()2、I like autumn best, ()3.My birthday is in November. ()4、My sister is watching TV, ()5、I'm listening to music. 0000000

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