
考点4 语法填空—高考英语一轮复习考点创新题训练(含解析)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:52次 大小:50120Byte 来源:二一课件通
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考点4 语法填空—高考英语一轮复习考点创新题训练 一、 A group of Chinese researchers issued a data map of the soil organic carbon (SOC) content for global black soil areas, ① _____ (reveal) the quantification of agroecosystems and global food security, according to the recent issue of the journal Remote Sensing of Environment. Research has shown that carbon cycle is ② _____ (significant) influenced by agricultural soils. The accuracy mapping of SOC content can help to clarify the carbon sequestration capacity (碳汇能力), quantify agroecosystem and contribute ③ _____ global food security. But it is still challenging to acquire ④ _____ (rely) SOC content datasets. The study ⑤ _____ (publish) in the journal was done by researchers from the Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. According to the journal, the researchers ⑥ _____ (collect) more than 191,000 scenes of remote sensing images and elevation model data, and used meta-learning convolutional neural network model ⑦ _____ (generate) high-resolution data map for global black soil regions. The data in the study indicates that the SOC content in the global black soil regions shows a decreasing trend, which can be divided into the significant decrease phase from 1984 to 2000, ⑧ _____ the moderate decrease phase from 2001 to 2021. The result from the study also shows that the four major black soil ⑨ _____ (region) in the world have different rates of SOC decline. The SOC decline rates of the Russian-Ukrainian Plain and the Pampas Plain of South America are higher than ⑩ _____ of the northeast China and the Mississippi River Basin in North America. 二、 The 2.4-km-long Peljesac Bridge (佩列沙茨大桥), connecting Croatia's mainland with the Peljesac Peninsula on the country's southern Adriatic coast, ① _____ (be) a Belt and Road Initiative project built by China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) . The bridge has ② _____ (significant) improved people's lives, cut travel time to the Adriatic coast and increased ③ _____ (economy) opportunities for the region. "This bridge is not a luxury; it is our ④ _____ (necessary) ," said Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic when the bridge was opened. The construction team attached great importance ⑤ _____ environmental protection. While ⑥ _____ (build) the bridge, they took different measures to create ⑦ _____ environmentally friendly site. A bubble curtain, a measure to reduce noise caused by underwater construction, ⑧ _____ (apply) to decrease the disturbance to the wildlife in the sea and neighboring residents. In addition, oil containment zones were set up at the site ⑨ _____ ( prevent) possible oil leaks. "I have worked on some other big projects in Europe, but none compare with the Peljesac Bridge project," Selma Knudsen said, ⑩ _____ worked as a commercial coordinator on the Peljesac Bridge project. 三、 Ecotourism is commonly regarded as low impact(影响) travel to undisturbed places. It is differe ... ...

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