
Unit 8 Knowing the world 完形填空、任务型阅读 专练 --七年级英语上册 冀教版(2024)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:81次 大小:548065Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 8 Knowing the world 完形填空、任务型阅读 专练 --七年级英语上册 冀教版(2024) 一、完形填空 Canada is the biggest 1 in North America. It is so big that it reaches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Ottawa is the country’s 2 . Nearly all Canadians speak French, English, or 3 . People come from other countries to live in Canada. Together, all of these different people make Canada 4 . Most Canadians live in big cities in the 5 parts of Canada, because ice and snow 6 the land (陆地) in the far north. Some animals only live in the 7 north, like polar bears and baby harp seals (竖琴海豹). They both have 8 fur, and then other animals can’t see them clearly on the snow. Many animals in Canada 9 in winter and spring. Canada geese fly south every 10 . They come back in spring when the weather 11 . All 12 Canada, people have festivals for ice skating and ice carving. There are dogsled (狗拉雪橇) races across the snow. The biggest winter 13 is in Quebec City. You can 14 an ice castle and play games there. Canada is a very big country 15 many different animals. It has many different people, too. Canadians say their differences make them strong. 1.A.country B.mountain C.continent D.waterfall 2.A.camel B.camera C.club D.capital 3.A.every B.each C.both D.all 4.A.strong B.ancient C.healthy D.normal 5.A.northern B.southern C.eastern D.western 6.A.drop B.fall C.fight D.cover 7.A.cold B.hot C.cool D.warm 8.A.black B.green C.white D.colourful 9.A.skate B.sleep C.miss D.move 10.A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter 11.A.warms up B.gets up C.turns up D.looks up 12.A.through B.across C.between D.below 13.A.camp B.moment C.festival D.activity 14.A.join B.visit C.take D.work 15.A.with B.as C.like D.about Do you know Sydney It is 16 Australia. Sydney isn’t the capital of Australia, 17 it’s very famous. It’s a 18 city, only about 200 years old. It’s very beautiful. There 19 many trees. It’s not too 20 in winter and not too hot in summer. The sky is 21 blue. There are 22 beautiful places. Every year, many people go to Sydney on 23 . It has many tall and modern buildings, like Sydney Opera House. Sydney is famous 24 its seas. It has many bays (湾) and beautiful 25 . Sydney Harbor (港) is beautiful and very 26 . Many ships 27 meat and other things from Sydney to other places. People in Sydney have a (n) 28 life. They often 29 “Don’t worry.” or “No hurry.” When they don’t work, they love to 30 on the beaches and enjoy life. Sydney is a good place for people to live. 16.A.in B.on C.to D.at 17.A.and B.but C.or D.so 18.A.big B.small C.young D.far 19.A.am B.is C.are D./ 20.A.warm B.cool C.hot D.cold 21.A.sometimes B.seldom C.usually D.never 22.A.a lot B.lots of C.lot D.lots 23.A.weekend B.summer C.winter D.holiday 24.A.as B.for C.in D.to 25.A.hills B.rivers C.mountains D.beaches 26.A.busy B.new C.quie ... ...

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