
Unit 8 Knowing the world 阅读理解专练 (含解析版答案)【冀教(2024)版七上英语】

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:89次 大小:838870Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 8 Knowing the world 阅读理解 专练 --七年级英语上册 冀教版(2024) 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 Jiaozi is popular Chinese food. They’re delicious. Now let’s talk about them. Chinese people like Jiaozi very much. There are many kinds of Jiaozi. Some have meat in them, some have vegetables and eggs in them. I like Jiaozi with meat best. I often make Jiaozi with my grandma at home. Sometimes I buy Jiaozi in the supermarket. In Spring Festival, people make Jiaozi. They usually put a coin (硬币) in a Jiaozi. If you eat the Jiaozi with a coin in it, you will be lucky. 1.The passage is about _____. A.moon cake B.Jiaozi C.meat 2.In China, Jiaozi is _____. A.popular B.expensive C.lucky 3.The writer likes Jiaozi with _____. A.meat B.vegetables C.eggs 4.The writer often buys Jiaozi in the _____. A.shop B.supermarket C.canteen 5.In Spring Festival, people usually put a _____ in Jiaozi. A.candy B.meat C.coin 学科融合。阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 What do you like eating for dinner Do you like meat Do you like vegetables Do you like fruit or dessert (甜食) after dinner We ask 55 students these questions. They are from a school in Huizhou. Here are the results (结果). 6.There are_____ students answering the questions. A.55 B.30 C.25 7.Who like dessert better A.Boys. B.Girls. C.All the students. 8.Which do the boys like best A.Meat. B.Vegetables. C.Fruit. 9.How many girls like eating vegetables A.Ten. B.Twenty. C.Thirty. 10.All the students like eating _____ for dinner. A.vegetables B.fruit C.meat Leaves are falling. The wind gets cold. Lidong usually falls on November 7th or 8th. It is the beginning of winter. Lidong is one of the 24 solar terms (节气). Chinese people usually have a big meal on that day. Eating well can help people keep warm on cold days. In the north, people usually eat dumplings. In the south, people eat chicken, duck and fish. In the old days, Lidong was also a time for people to store (储存) vegetables. At that time, there were not many fresh vegetables to eat during winter, especially (尤其) in the north. There were also no supermarkets like today. People had few places to buy fresh vegetables in winter. So, around Lidong people put lots of cabbages in a cellar (地窖). They also made fresh tomatoes into tomato sauce (酱). They thought it was good for eating noodles in winter. 11.What does “Lidong” mean A.There are no leaves on the trees. B.We should eat a lot of food. C.Winter begins from this day. D.The new year is not far away. 12.In the north of China, what do people usually eat for Lidong A. B. C. D. 13.In the old days, why did people store vegetables for winter A.Because they didn’t want to go shopping in winter. B.Because there were not many fresh vegetables to buy. C.Because they didn’t know how to store meat. D.Because they didn’t like to eat fresh vegetables. 14.According to the passage, people like to eat noodles with _____ in winter. A.t ... ...

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