
2025届高考英语专项复习 读后续写(含思路点拨 范文)(素材)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:28次 大小:184104Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高考续写写作(含思路点拨+参考范文) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 Josie and I wanted a dog more than anything else in the world. We wished for one every time we threw coins in a fountain or watched the evening star fall behind the trees. However, our mother believed that we were still too thoughtless to take on the task of raising a pet. She had witnessed us forgetting chores and getting into small fights. In her eyes, these were signs that we lacked the necessary responsibility. One summer night, as we sat together on the roof, Josie saw something. She pointed down toward a dark shadow and said, “What’s that ” For an astonishing second, Josie and I stared at each other. Then we rushed down onto the doorway. There in our yard stood a black dog. Josie made a little kissing sound and held out her hand. The dog came to us slowly, taking a few steps forward and then a step back, not sure if she could trust us. She was so skinny that I could just feel every bone in her body, and her coat was messy. “We’re going to have a dog!” My inside was full of excitement, just like before Christmas or our birthday. “What’s a good name ” said Josie. The perfect name wrote itself in my mind, “Shadow!” The next day, we piled together all the pocket money we had to buy all kinds of dog food and hid it in various places because we were afraid Mom wouldn’t approve that if she knew we were feeding a homeless dog. That night, after our parents were asleep, we quietly slipped downstairs to feed Shadow. We carefully poured the dog food into the bowl, trying to make as little noise as possible. Shadow, who had been waiting eagerly by our side, wagged (摇晃) her tail. As we placed the bowl on the floor, a creaking (吱吱的) sound filled the house. Suddenly, the kitchen light came on, illuminating the room and revealing our shocked faces. 注意: 1. 续写词数应为150左右; 2. 请按如下格式作答。 It was our mother, standing there surprisingly. _____ _____ Mom decided to give us a chance to prove that we could be responsible owners. _____ _____ 01 文本解读 本文讲述了“我”和Josie在一个夏夜发现了一只流浪的黑狗,并给它取名为Shadow。“我们”用自己所有的零花钱买了狗粮,决定秘密地喂养它。然而,当“我们”夜晚在厨房里给Shadow喂食时,妈妈发现了“我们”…… 02 思路点拨 ①由续文第一段首句“是我们的母亲,她出乎意料地站在那里。”可知,接下来可以结合母亲惊讶、困惑等情感描写描述她在厨房看见Josie和“我”喂食Shadow的场景。以及“我们”和母亲解释发现Shadow的过程以及我们想收养Shadow的渴望。最后可以写母亲被“我们”所打动,以此与续文第二段开头“母亲决定给我们一个机会”相衔接。 ②由续文第二段首句“妈妈决定给我们一个机会,让我们证明自己可以成为负责任的主人。”可知,本段主要围绕细心照顾Shadow展开,可以适当描述Shadow的变化来体现Josie和“我”的负责和耐心。最后可以描述Josie和“我”在这一过程中的收获和成长。 03 参考范文 It was our mother, standing there surprisingly. Her eyes widened as she saw the scene before her. For a moment, there was silence, only ... ...

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