
人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 5 The Value of Money Reading and Thinking 课件(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:46次 大小:10279750Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 The Value of Money Reading and Thinking By the end of this class, you will be able to: 1. To identify the six elements and get the main idea of the playwriting; 2. To analyze the feelings and character of Henry; 3. To understand implied meaning of some sentences. Learning objectives Step 1. Lead in Q1.Would you like to be a millionaire like the following people?Why or why not Q2.If you had one million, what would you like to do buy a big house donate do some science research share with friends open schools for kids from poor families build shelters for homeless people protect the environment run a business travel save The film The Million Pound Bank Note is adapted from a short story of the same name created by Mark Twain, which is full of black humor and contains satire to American society at that time. Pre-reading Identify the genre and find out the six elements of play writing. It’s a play. the six elements of play writing. title of play剧本题目 scene场次 character names人物 narration旁白 lines of dialogue台词 stage directions舞台说明 Read for the main idea While-reading Roderick and Oliver made a bet on whether a man could live in London for a month with a million-pound bank note. Read the lines of dialogue and study the development of the story, focusing on “who and what”. Part 1 Roderick and Oliver invited Henry inside. Part 2 Roderick and Oliver asked Henry questions. Part 3 Roderick and Oliver gave Henry a letter. While-reading Read and anwser. 1. Why did the two brothers give Henry Adams an envelope A. Because they wanted to play a trick on Henry. B. Because they had a pity on Henry. C. Because they made a bet. D. Because Henry was not an Englishman. 2. How did Henry Adams feel when he got an envelope from the brothers A. Sad.   B. Happy. C. Astonished. D. He took it for granted. 3. Henry came to Britain for the first time in his life _____. A. to find a better life B. to make an adventure C. all by accident D. to find the two brothers 4. Why did Henry’s eyes stare at the leftovers on the brothers’ table A. Because he had never seen such a nice dinner. B. Because he wanted to help them clean the table. C. Because he was very hungry. D. Because he was angry. 5. Why was Oliver so happy when hearing Henry say he had no money A. Because they could do something good for him. B. Because they were interested to find so poor a man. C. Because they could show off their bank note to him. D. Because they finally found the right person for their bet. 6.What kind of person do you think Henry is A. Not greedy for money B. Hardworking C. A man keeping his word D. Above all Read again and fill in the blanks. A month ago Henry was _____ out of the bay. Towards nightfall Henry found himself _____ out to sea by a strong wind. The next morning Henry was _____ by a ship. Lastly Henry arrived in _____ by working on the ship unpaid. Now Henry was _____ in London and wandering in the ... ...

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